More general resource orientated sites as much as they used to or, are you of the opinion that the community / forum type sites are now the big thing so far as resources go?

I have to admit it seems like pretty much everyone has their own board now and the last 12-18 months certainly saw a huge increase in the amount of new boards that appeared in the industry but, at the same time, it also saw a huge increase in boards that filed within the first 3 months of launch because they tried to fullfill everyone at the same time instead of focusing on the specifics and growing from there.

I remember 3 or 4 years ago when webmasters went to resources for the listings and tutorials but now it would seem that they go to increase post counts and whore out their sigs.

So anyone know what made this change happen and, more importantly, do you think this will be a long term thing or, will we see a regression back to the favoritism of more community orientated complete 'resources'?

