"Karate instructor Gary Lee Glazer, acquitted of molesting two female students after it was revealed at trial that he's gay, apparently isn't, Montgomery County prosecutors say. They charged him yesterday with conspiring to commit perjury.

Testimony about Glazer being gay helped him win an acquittal on charges of aggravated indecent assault and indecent assault involving two juvenile students, Castor said. After Glazer's acquittal, detectives began to investigate Keller's testimony that Glazer was homosexual.

An affidavit of probable cause contained statements from five women who say they have had sexual relations with Glazer or have been on the receiving end of his sexual advances... One woman, identified in the affidavit as 'M.C.' in court papers, told police that in the fall of 2002, Glazer bound her with neckties and engaged in 'mutual oral sex and intercourse.' Two girls, now 16 and 18, testified at trial that Glazer kissed, hugged and touched them in unwanted sexual ways at the karate school."



Now he will be put in jail and have an opportunity to prove that he is gay after all - woohoo - justice for all !!!