You would think you could find good people to work in this industry in San Diego. Maybe instead of www.yourhouseboy they should have www.yourofficeboy.

We are looking for one or two people to help with basic day to day web work. If anyone is interested in 20 to 40 hours a week working on sites, adding content, encoding videos, and working with adult gay content 85% of the day please drop me a note.

We offer free Valet parking (no..really we do)
In the heart of Hillcrest
Men's Spa membership ( it's Club San Diego)
And $10 to $15 an hour

We just need people that can use HTML (dreamweaver or frontpage)
And our own DRM system
There will also be some basic calls from customers on technical issues so a good phone voice would be great. And no..."what are you wearing" is not a good way to answer the phone <smile> But you can ask them how big their hard drive is. I wanted to say...webmaster looking for web boy but that just wouldn't sound right...MMmmm... or would it?

We are a 7+ year old company that does a mixture of hosting, DRM encoding, and PPV solutions. Now we need some extra bodies to help us so I can get out more and not look like my advatar.

It's a great long term position...if you enjoy learning and working with content.

Email me at