A couple of days ago in another thread xstr8guy paid me a compliment and said that he thought that my site was good enough that the next level for me is a paysite. (Thx, BTW.)

And I posed several questions, but because they were buried in another thread, they never got addressed, so I thought I'd resubmit them.

I've certainly thought about starting a paysite, but then, I also think, you know what right now I have it pretty good. I put up the sites and and MANcheck pays me pretty much half of the sign up fee or rebilling rate. That's pretty sweet.

I don't have to answer e-mail from people who have lost their passwords. (Or hire someone to do it.)

I don't have to handle bitchy complaints from people who have been rebilled. (Or hire someone to do it.)

I don't have to hire a programmer to deal with all of the paysite programming.

I don't have to set up a company in the U.S. to deal with stupid laws.

I don't have to pay VISA $800.

It seems to me that running a paysite is a big pain in the ass. Running an AVS site, MANcheck gets all of the hassle.

I don't have to pay webmasters half of my money to do what I'm doing now.

And I don't have to constantly babysit webmasters that are trying to rip me blind by stealing my traffic.

And then in another thread I was just reading where Lee talked about a lot of the costs involved, it looks like it'll easily cost between $3-5,000 to set one up.

So, I'm wondering: Exactly why do I want to run a paysite again? Am I missing something.
