So my past few weeks have been MAD CRAZY, which explains the lack of my usual wit and wisdom since god knows when ....

Understandably, I believe, when one considers:

Went to Philippines for a week in February to check it out.

Back to Australia, break up with girlfriend, pack and leave again, heading to Sydney for Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras and then the amazing Gold Coast in Queensland for a few days, then leaving and arriving PERMANENTLY in the Philippines to open the office there in early March. Oh, and buy into a bar of course !!!!

A few days later, in the last week of March, back on a plane for the USA to go to Phoenix Forum.

Post Forum, jet away to Seattle with Raven ( and her husband Tev, with the infamous AaronM in tow......

Back to the Philippines for a few short days...

Off to the airport again a couple of weeks ago, this time the destination was Prague for AOE (just over a week ago).

After AOE (which rocked - check out JFK's great pics at, shot up to Amsterdam for a few "hazy" days which were great...

Now in London, staying with the net famous Meat of fame for some business and serious rest and recreation... check out the boys having fun HERE (Use latest version of Quicktime to play - it is a Nokia Cell video file).

3 more days here then it takes 2 days to get home (don't ask).

The next day (May 5) is my birthday, so forget things for 2 days at least.

So I suppose I'll be back posting again by Sunday next.

He he.


You can also check pics of our travels at:

Europe pics will be up when I get back to the Philippines... if I ever do...
