When you make a gallery, dont have a huge ad or story on top, and then your images/movies in the middle. Where people have to scroll down to find your porn.

When I do galleries I make sure that some of the porn is visible right away without having to scroll down.
When I get galleries that have huge full page ads on them, espeially on top, I reject them.
I was a reviewer for a huge tgp and rejected them there also.
Tgp's get swamped with galleries everyday and getting one thats basically a big ad with some spamm pictures around the ad isn't worth listing.

I dont like fpas in the ad because they take up too much space, slow down the page, and also they often have thumbs in them that make the surfer think they're a part of the gallery. The surfer clicks them, goes to the site when they thought they would see the larger image.
