Ok, basically I submitted some 22 AEN sites to the following linklists last sunday - note that some listed all of them while some just few:

So.... Here are the traffic results after 7 days, only for those sites that were submitted last week from only those links and for only those 22 sites:

hunkhunter - 2200 (lists every day)
hunkmen - 1095 (lists every 2-3 days)
gaydemon - 825 (lists daily)
sindbadbookmarks - 704 (listsed on Tuesday)
altagay - 762 (listed on Friday)
manpics - 590 (listed on Wednesday)
maledirectory - 364 (listed on Monday)
justusboys - 273 (listed on Wednesday)
boybookmarks - 290 (lists every 2-3 days)
smaq - 29 (listed on MOnday)
gayfucksites - 94 (listed on MOnday)

Ok, basically I find most of them great, as you have to have in mind that some were updated only on wednesday, others on this thursday, and some did not list ALL sites yet.

But I was totally dissapointed with GAYFUCKSITES and SMAQ.... they both listed my sites somewhere on early Monday....

So.... can you recommend 2 good gay link lists that bring steady traffic, cause obviously I'll need to replace those smaq and gayfucksites...