As mentioned yesterday we are implementing some new rules for GWW community members and, whilst we dont have many rules in place, we feel this is needed in order to bring your GWW community more in-line with current trends across the industry as a whole in addition to cutting down the amount of 'Sig Whores' we have hitting the GWW community.

That being said, here are the new set of GWW community rules:

1. Signatures - limited to 3 lines of text and a 120x60 button. More than that just takes up way too much space and comes off as spamming as well as slowing down the forum load speed. We will be ensuring this rule is followed.

2. No personal attacks on anyone - Heated debates are fine but, attack ideas NOT people. Start to personally attack someone and your posting privellages will be pulled, we're all here to do the same thing, make money.

3. Promoting your content, program, scripts ect. is not allowed in the general forums unless, it is in direct response to a request for information. We have other places you can post such promotions, like the announcement board and we do move announcements from that forum in to the general forum if they are genuinely newsworthy.

4. We expect everyone to be professional in their posts, and also to be respectful and honest. If you cannot do that, then this is probably not the community for you.

5. If you fly a 120x60 button in your signature, it would be appreciated if you can put a link to GWW on the site you are promoting.

Thats pretty much it. As you can see not much has changed compared to the previous set of GWW community rules

In addition to these new GWW community rules, keep an eye out for some new features being added to GWW as a whole over the coming weeks :thumbsup:

