OK the timing on this thread isn't lost on me but there's good reason I post it. I work BelAmiCash and an affiliate of BelAmiCash had made a post on a board about trying to get in touch with someone over there. e-mails got lost in the ether, apparently. I caught one thread on one board and responded, but found out he'd posted the same thread on like a gazillion others. Which is all well and good but... some of those boards I never even knew existed or never really pay attention to. Now, BoardTracker enables one to track keyphrases and register and respond when needed but I'd rather register already and check them somewhat regularly myself.

Now I don't wanna know every single board on the internet. Seems everyone and their brother has one.

But which boards are you guys active on? And which ones have a gay presence you think justifies keeping tabs on regularly?

There's GWW of course.
The*GayBoard.com (sans asterisk)
Gay*WebmasterChat.com (sans asterisk)

Those are the ones I'm registered on and occasionally post on.

Then there's...

Any other gay/straight/straight with good gay presence boards you guys are active on?