Please tell Ford that you support them for supporing the Gay community. Contact Marcey Evans of Ford Motor Company at +1-313-322-9211 or at . Speak out and let them know you support them for supporting us. They are taking a lot of heat right now and need to know we stand by them.


A week after it declared victory over Walt Disney Co., a leading Christian activist group has fired another missile in its long war against companies it thinks are destroying traditional American values.

The target this time is Ford Motor Co., which Christians should boycott as “the company which has done the most to affirm and promote the homosexual lifestyle,” the American Family Association says on a Web site it put up Monday,

The AFA, the nonprofit group run by the Rev. Donald Wildmon, criticized Ford for donating money to gay-rights organizations (Ford offers to give up to $1,000 to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation for every Jaguar and Land Rover it sells to a member of GLAAD, the company said this week). The group also complained that had Ford sponsored gay pride celebrations, advertised in gay-oriented publications and was “redefining the definition of the family to include homosexual marriage,” Randy Sharp, the organization’s director of special projects, said Tuesday.

If anything, Ford says, the AFA is not giving it enough credit.

Marcey Evans, a spokeswoman for the company, said in an interview Wednesday that the AFA was misusing “diversity” by treating it as a code word for “homosexuality.” But “to Ford, diversity is a much broader definition than simply homosexuality,” she said. “Diversity is very important to Ford, and it goes beyond homosexuality.”

Thousands respond to call for action
Evans said it was “too early yet to know for sure” what impact the boycott might have. “We do know that some Ford dealers are getting calls, and we know our customer relations center is getting calls, but I don’t have a good volume,” she said. FULL STORY

What do you guys think about this?