Quote Originally Posted by Madame0120
Hey Ricky .. Those tasty fellas over at Frat Guys said they would stop by and pick me up in that freakin' Fine SUV. Of course I'm willing to work for my road trip, and would be pleased to keep those bad boys in line and out of trouble. :honest:

Lord knows you all need a House Mother!
Just grab me a floor pass and I'm good to go!

Oh and BTW..

I call Shotgun!

Spreading The Love To My Favorite Guys.

The Oracle
Honey (kneels down before the great and powerful OZ..ooops wrong movie..) you can have any seat you wish and you seen us, you know way to well we need a House Mother , Oh, and i have used that lil wooden spoon a few times on brock .

Let us know where to slow down and for you to jump in and we will all head on down!!