Hello All:

I need a MAJOR facelift to my site www.pharaohvideo.com so I need to talk to all of you talented web people. I don't care if you're straight or gay but I insist on you being able to deliver a quality product on this facelift because whoever does it the best will also be asked to put together my next site featuring fast straight guys in their hot cars with their hot rods!

What I need is for anyone interested to contact me either on here or on
ICQ 5079084
yahoo darklord11463
or anthony@pharaohvideo.com

Look at my site under preview and think about what the best way to breathe new and exciting life into my site. I would like some samples of your work and a price and we'll discuss whether your skills and pricetag are acceptable and whoever gives me the best idea and price will do the facelift and then will be asked to do my new site in a few months (if that long) so talk to me people!

