California is the only state so far that has a State Supreme Court ruling that exempts porn from prostitution laws. New York could be next! Another small victory for the good guys.

Judge Sees No Link Between Prostitution, Paying for Sex to Make Films
Mark Fass
New York Law Journal

A Manhattan judge has enunciated the legal distinction between prostitution and paying someone to participate in sexual activity to make a pornographic film.

Prostitution, as traditionally defined, requires person A paying person B for sexual activity to be performed on A, Supreme Court Justice Budd G. Goodman wrote in People v. Paulino, 6687/04.

Pornography, on the other hand, involves person C paying B for sexual activity performed on A.

"In other words, prostitution is and has always been intuitively defined as a bilateral exchange between a prostitute and client," Goodman opined.

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