Quote Originally Posted by Jasun
I should point out, though, that I fucking HATE chick flicks, and this is just a chick flick with an extra dick.

I must also address this point, b/cuz as I pointed out in my other post, I find this terminology to be archaic and rather sexist. I know you didn't coin this phrase, Jasun, so I'm directing my comments at you directly, but I do resent the notion that men cannot relate to films that tell love stories. I think it's absurd to categorize movies such as, say, Pretty Woman or even Steel Magnolias, as movies that only women can appreciate. If that were the case, then Brian's Song would not have been the huge hit that it was. The same is true for Titanic. Obviously, "weepers" (as they are also referred to) might do better among women, b/cuz let's be honest, women are usually a lot more in touch with their emotions than men are.

But you do not have to be woman to appreciate Brokeback Mountain. You need only be a person who appreciates movies that explore the universal experiences that all people--male or female--go through.