Of course, unless your company name has "penis" in it or something, there's really no reason they ever need know you're an adult company.

I mean, I've got the rap down when the nice 60 year old real estate lady asks what "Media Resource" does... although Kelly, who isn't quite as adept yet, went to get his hair cut and answered the woman who cut his hair by saying he did "artistic modeling" and she said "Oh. Porn? That's cool."

But seriously, I really don't see why the bank ever really needs to know or is likely to find out unless you're using a trade name that makes it obvious... and if you get those checks from Pussycash or ButtMachineCash or AnalBucks, just deposit them through the ATM... the people in the proof department have about 1/8 second per check to look at them, and won't have time to make a stink. Unless the check bounces.