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Thread: Married Couple domain name

  1. #1
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
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    Nov 2005

    Married Couple domain name

    Me and my Husband are going to launch a site with the both of us it will be about our married life we will have all kinds of hardcore video's of the both of us on it..

    we just need to find the perfect domain name for married porn star's
    i was thinking about this domain name MARRIEDPORNSTARS.COM what do you think ..

  2. #2
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    i think the domain sounds str8.

    why not something like

  3. #3
    Words paint the real picture gaystoryman's Avatar
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    I agree with Basschick... marriedcouple sounds too straight but hers sounds good, has a nice ring to it.

    my 2 cents anyhow
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  4. #4
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    Hum your right this does sound better
    we are probably gonna work a deal with Braincash for our site it will be good for us...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by pierrefitch1
    Hum your right this does sound better
    we are probably gonna work a deal with Braincash for our site it will be good for us...
    Brand yourself. Avoid general names that anyone can use. Put your fingerprint on it. Something like

    Or perhaps brand yourself on a "something extra" that people can find in abundence on your site. Ok, sure there will be Pierre and his husband, but what if you have never heard of him, or what if you just prefer blonds?

    Just as a random example: let's say you two are really into working out, fitness and the gym. The quintessential gay gymrat couple. Such a couple could augment their site with what they are learning about from their gym routines. Carlos Morales kind of does this on his site, and I know people read it. Those muscle guys stick together. That's just an example of having something "extra" on your site other than just watching you screw all the time. And then you can brand yourself with a name like "" ... i dunno.

    Remember.... the public's appetite for the topic of "losing weight" is almost as voracious as "sex" But it can be anything....


  6. #6

    Big Grin

    Finding the name should be something you do at or near the end of your project (though that doesn't mean you can't register a potential domain name meanwhile).

    There are many questions you should ask yourself before:
    1- Who are the potential consumers? & What do they want?
    2- What do you want to offer? (Pics, video, blog, vlog, forum, rss feed, podcast, live cam, etc)
    3- How do you want to position yourself?
    4- What is your unique selling proposition?
    5- or even What are the google/yahoo search terms that are used most often to describe what you want to offer?
    and so on.

    AND THEN, which name would fit with all of this?

    At that moment, you need to take into consideration strategies/techniques you could use to help yourself: piggyback on someone else's notoriety, use alliterations, create a new and surprising name, use edgy words in it, use key words in it, use your name in it, etc.

    For example, you could decide on doing a gay spoof of an existing popular/similar show (the simple life, the newlyweds or whatever) and find a name that sounds similar so that you can piggyback on its notoriety. Just think of what Porn Star Academy achieved, in large part by building on the notoriety of Star Academy.

    I'm not saying the names proposed are not good... it's just that if you're serious about your endeavour you need to ask yourself all kinds of questions in order to then be able to choose a name in a somewhat intelligent way.

    Good luck though, your idea has potential! :thumbsup:

  7. #7
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Quote Originally Posted by desslock
    Brand yourself.
    Which goes right back to what i was saying yesterday Pierre, brand yourself, sell yourself, not just your pics.



  8. #8
    Your current site doesn't appear to be updating very often. Why start another project. The additional content would be a nice selling feature and would probably help your current member retention.

    Btw, what billing company are you using? When you click Join, the biller's name is but your affiliate program is through Are they the same company? I'm not familiar with them. You many want to include an explanation to inform potential affiliates. It may be confusing to affiliates that are used to signing up for programs through CCbill or Paycom/Epoch.

  9. #9
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    Yes the billing company is the same as the affiliate program.

    i do upate my site often enough it has 8 video's of me and i used to do live cam when i was being hosted by badpuppy now i'am by myself i'am still looking to find webcam program that will work best for my website.

  10. #10
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    8 videos total? in the entire site? or you updated with 8 videos recently?

  11. #11
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    8 video in the site plus like 1000 pictures
    plus some of my trip pictures
    and webcam stuff
    and most of my falcon pictures

    Remember i'am only a solo site hard to keep doing solo things over and over

    oh i forgot i have all kinds of Citiboyz photoshoot in my website plus the citiboyz theatre

  12. #12
    No wonder you did not want to give me set of your pics man that’s like 10% of your site. for 75$ a month you could add 20 or so ABEN movie feeds its a place to start. I would rethink opening another site man, really that’s more of a AVS site than a members site. Also if your going to have a site like that you have to do live shows. Now days people can get more than a hundred times the amount of stuff you have, you have to at lease be on cam 4-6 hours a day. :mental:

  13. #13
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    good ideal i do have some of my movies from falcon on aben i'am sure my customer would love to watch them online will add that too my site ..

    i used to do cam show but i moved to a new host need to find a new cam program i think i will be using

  14. #14
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    8 videos? that's not enough. it might be enough as a start if they are long videos - 20+ minutes - but in that case you need to start updating with video regularly.

    why can't you just set up a camcorder on a tripod and shoot yourself for a few movies? 8 videos is just plain not enough - and pics won't really make up for it. a very few sites do moderately okay with mostly pics, but if you're promoting yourself as a pornstar, well, pornstars appear on video and that's how people expect to see 'em.

  15. #15
    Porn Star pierrefitch's Avatar
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    Nov 2005
    Yeah your right i can probably shoot like 4 or 5 more movies of my self just what kind of stuff would i do solo for 5 things i can use some toys for 1 and what about the other's hehe got ideals

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