I've been friends with a transgendered woman (who used to be a guy) since my early 20's. At a time when I was going through my own coming out process, she was going through hers, and I was able to learn a lot from her about judging appearances and passing judgement on others. Now that I live in LA I know a lot of transgendered people. It amazes me that there are still those out there who are shocked by this in this day and age. I knew what a sex change was when I was a kid. I used to watch a lot of TV and even as a kid I watched Phil Donahue and other shows that were the forerunners of Jenny Jones type media. I watched Three's Company and Bossom Buddies, so I knew what gay people were, what transvestites, drag queens and transgendered people were all about and I wasn't shocked or hurt by it. Kids are more adaptable than adults. I think the thing that scares these people who are against stuff like this is that their kids will grow up thinking there is nothing "wrong" with it. Imagine that. A generation of kids growing up without homophobia, racial hatred and violence. These things are taught. And the sad thing is that they are usually taught under some sort of religious belief.