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Thread: Congratulations To All Of Our Winners And Contest Sponsors

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Yeah Congratulations To All Of Our Winners And Contest Sponsors

    Congratulations to everyone named below for winning one or more of our Month Of Winning contest prizes..

    1st - B-Unit Slingbox - $250 - Ian
    2nd - Gay Porn Pig Banner - Mariano
    3rd - GWW Front Page Text Link 3 Months - Bec
    4th - 5 Sets From Rainbow Content - Visionagogo
    5th - Live Bucks Free Time $180 - Dart
    6th - 5 Fratmen DVDs - Prairygrrl
    7th - MANCheck $50 - Jimsmowen
    8th - TopBucks DVD - Jimsmowen
    9th - Maxpixels 2 Sets - Maxpower
    10th - HDK $100 Store Voucher - Maxpower
    11th - JUB Premium Directory Listing - Michael
    12th - TopBucks DVD - Paco
    13th - Live Bucks Free Time $180 - MWCren
    14th - MANCheck $50 - Luke
    15th - Ian Gay Story - DannyZ
    16th - 1 Month GWW Button - Nicedreams
    17th - 5 Fratmen DVDs - Develish
    18th - 10 Sets From Rainbow Content - Maxpower
    19th - Maxpixels 2 Sets - Maxpower
    20th - HDK $100 Store Voucher - Fishy
    21st - MANCheck $50 - Bec
    22nd - TopBucks DVD - Tyrain
    23rd - Live Bucks Free Time $180 - Develish
    24th - Cool Content $100 Credit - Bec
    25th - Live Bucks Free Time $180 - MaxPower
    26th - 1 Month GWW Banner - Basschick
    27th - HDK $100 Store Voucher - Develish
    28th - MANCheck $50 - Maxpower
    29th - 15 Sets From Rainbow Content - Prairygrrl
    30th - B-Unit - Slingbox $250 - Bec

    Also, a HUGE thank you to each of the sponsors who gladly offered up some kick-ass prizes last month so that we could give our GWW Community members something to win:

    B-Unit -
    Gay Porn Pig -
    RainbowContent -
    LiveBucks -
    FratCash -
    MANCheck -
    TopBucks -
    GayBooks -
    MaxPixels -
    HDK - /
    Cool Content -

    Please take a moment to congratulate all of our winners and, to check out all of the companies listed above who you should make a note of for the next time you are looking for an affiliate program to promote, a place to buy content or, a place to submit your sites to.

    Also, thanks to everyone for taking part in the Month Of Winning, even if you didnt win a prize i hope you all had some fun whilst doing business on your GWW Community.

    Whilst we're on the subject of contests, i beleive we're a little over 20k posts away before i post the details of the 200,000th post contest so, keep an eye out for that information over the coming months.

    Congrats again to all of our winners and thanks again to all of last months contest sponsors.



  2. #2
    I would just like to personally thank Lee, and all the sponsors of the contest, with out you creating my new site would have cost me hundreds and hundreds more dollars than it now will :thumbsup:

  3. #3
    Thanks a bunch, for the month of fun and excitement.

  4. #4
    Words paint the real picture gaystoryman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    western canada
    It was a hoot... mucho gracias Lee and to all the sponsors... :thumbsup:
    Webmasters: Add Custom Stories To Your Sites Custom Gay Stories

    My Blogs Gay Talk, Free Gay Fiction, Erotic Fiction Online

  5. #5
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    great contest, I really enjoyed the business thread idea, I got a lot of good info from those threads.

  6. #6
    Life is a dick and when itīs get hard---just fuck it... DEVELISH's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    thanks again to all sponsors and participants - It was fun checking each day litteraly 100 times ;D

    Again thanks to Lee who organized it

    I greatly appreciated those contests *thumbsUP*


  7. #7
    My thanks to Lee, all those that make GWW special, and the sponsors. It was a fun month.

  8. #8
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hollywood, CA
    Congratulations to MaxPower for winning both MaxPixels content (Geeze, with our names people are gonna think you work for me!!! LOL!) and to all the winners in this month's contest. And thanks to Lee for putting together such a great contest. And thanks to everyone who participated.
    Don Mike

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