of course you have to disagree. you always do

i've taken part in threads on many boards about verotel over the years. the truth is less affiliates like using them. ccbill tells me what pages my sales actually come from - if verotel does that, i surely don't see anything about it in their stats.

personally i don't want to do live chat - i want my emails answered. that way we have a record of what was said or what is supposed to be done.

Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
You guys know I hate to disagree with you, but verotel has almost 24/7 Live chat support for all webmasters, in fact I could talk to someone at verotel with-in 5 minutes. They do have a problems with their affiliate stats, but all you have to do is get an independent stats program, and you will have something that will provide superior stats to what Ccbill offers its members with out the risk.