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Thread: What Do You Look For In A Toy Store To Promote?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    What Do You Look For In A Toy Store To Promote?

    Im finally getting ready to redesign and wondered what type of thing you folks looked for in a sex store to promote?

    Do you like beig able to link to specific products like you can do currently or is that something you dont really care about?

    What about store customization? Is that something you like being able to do or, would you rather have a single store front to send traffic too?

    Any help and suggestions you folks can offer on features to add to the new Gay Adult Shopping site would be appreciated



  2. #2
    OK I'll list a few things that I like -- bear in mind though that I won't be switching over from the people I currently promote.

    In no particular order except for #1 & #2 ; Of course #1 & #2 are usually discovered after the fact -- but those are the factors that also determine how much effort and how long I stay with a program.

    1. The site must convert and make me sales.

    2. The program must pay out. (I had to make a switch at a bad time last year because the program owners decided not to pay me.)

    3. Long cookie durations. Promoting a web store isn't like promoting a pay site with tgp galleries. Promo tatics are different, Buying cycles are different and a good portion of buys are done from bookmarks. In short, a store is a long-term promotional activity.

    4. Variety of quality products that guys want to buy. A good mix of the standard age-old standbys plus new products.

    5. Good promo material -- able to link to individual products complete with pictures of said products; banners need to be in a variety of dimensions.

    6. The less boobies I see the better.

    7. Design and navigation -- pleasing to the eye and easy to find products.

    Those are just a few of the things I consider and that readily come to mind.

  3. #3

    I like to link to products mostly. I sold so many uncut dildos of one of the bel ami boys.

    Realistically, i would like to have items in a category an dbe able to put code on a page in that category and have it randomly show items from that category. Anything that if the surfer comes back he sees something different.

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