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Thread: Gay Days At Dollywood

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Gay Days At Dollywood

    (Knoxville, Tennessee) A Tennessee LGBT rights group and Dollywood, the theme park owned by singer Dolly Parton, are dueling over the name for this year's Gay Days at the park.

    For the second year gays and lesbians will gather at the park for a day of partying. Last year about 1,000 people attended the first Gay Day. This year's event is scheduled for May 22nd and about 5,000 are expected.

    But, Dollywood is balking at it being called "Gay Day at Dollywood".

    A lawyer for the park has sent organizers of the event a letter telling them to remove the Dollywood name and logo from advertising material.

    The event, like Gay Days at Disney World, is not officially sanctioned by the park and Dollywood says it doesn't want to give that impression.

    Spokesperson Pete Owens tells the Tennessean newspaper that the park isn't trying to stop anyone from attending. He said the request was a standard one sent out to anyone in regard to trademark violations. Similar requests have gone out to about two dozen groups, such as tour operators and hotels, who have used the Dollywood name or logo without permission, he said.

    But some gay activists believe it is a "kneejerk" reaction to recent gay developments in the state. Large numbers of gays have demonstrated over a proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, and Rhea County made headlines when it passed legislation calling for the arrest of gays. (story)

    The county later backed down and the first Pride day in the area is slated for May 8.

    ''People feel like there's a lot of hatred against the (gay and lesbian) community in Tennessee,'' Tri-Cities Pride began the event last year. This year, Executive Director Ryan Salyer told the paper.

    Salyer said his group would continue to visit Dollywood.

    ''We just want to go to the park and just have a fun day to be had by all.''

    Organizers for Gay Day have complied with the park's request that the name and logos be removed from their website.

    People going to the event are encouraged to wear red clothing and Owens says they will be welcomed at the park.

    Dolly Parton is a gay icon and has received accolades from gay groups. She once told an interviewer that if she had been born a man, she would have had to have been a drag queen.

    You would think that because she was a gay icon they wouldnt have any problems with the use of their name or logo :eek:



  2. #2
    Darren Austin
    I agree with you Lee, I am a little stunend that Dolly is having this issue with the Label"Gay day at Dollywood" It is almost like Donna Summer being reborn adn shunning the gay community.

    I don't know that is just me .

  3. #3
    I think this is so stupid, I don't see the different when they lable Gay Days at Disney or Magic Mountain. I personaly woundn't call it "Gay Days At Dollywood" anyway, it doens't flow well, I would have went with "Gay Dollywood Days"...and that just me...
    Last edited by TopBucks_Juan; 04-30-2004 at 01:57 PM.

  4. #4
    Any company has to control the use of their name, though.

    For instance, if the KKK wanted to have a day at Dollywood, they would be unable to stop the use if they had allowed any other group to use their logo.

  5. #5
    Darren Austin
    Jasun ,

    Since you put it that way and brought into light for me , I see your point and having my name out there as well , I would not want to be tagged by things like that either.

    Good point

  6. #6
    Gay Days at Dollywood...

    isn't that an oxymoron??? :grin:

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Ounique
    Gay Days at Dollywood...

    isn't that an oxymoron??? :grin:

    no - this is an Oxy Moron

  8. #8
    Originally posted by TheLegacy
    no - this is an Oxy Moron

    I love you. Laughing so hard i'm crying... :crybaby:

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