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Thread: What Will 2007 Bring For The Industry?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    What Will 2007 Bring For The Industry?

    We have one of these threads every year around this time and they usually get filled with lots of ideas and concepts of what will happen in the following year with the industry so i thought id get one started for '07.

    Where do you see the industry heading in 2007?

    I personally think we're going to see a further explosion of 'movie' themed 'reality' style sites which will start to fizz out towards the middle-end of '07 as the DVD titles currently being licensed become more and more worthless in terms of 'content'.

    In addition, i think we're going to see much more interest in programs concentrating on their own sources of traffic instead of their affiliates coupled with the start of cutbacks in terms of sites offered by sponsors and, in payouts.

    What do you folks think are going to be the major changes for online porn in 2007?



  2. #2
    Making Pain Pay!
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    Jul 2006

    In the year 2007

    Well, I am thinking it will be 'business as usual' with the possible exception of a major Comet Collision in Feb 2007, just prior to the GayVN Sumit in San Fran. (Further proof for the Fox News Corp that God still hates gays.)

    This prediciton is based on our Sun's dark companion star, which generates two separate comet swarms (each orbiting the Sun about every 3,353 years) that orbit 180° out of phase. They alternately threaten Earth for about a hundred year period every 1500 to 1700 years. One of these swarms appears to have passed Earth about 1500 years ago, registering impacts around 440 AD and 534 AD. The impending threat is from several closely spaced comet clusters contained within the second of these swarms.

    The composite threat scenario indicates that a comet/Earth impact may first occur around Feb 16, 2007. An estimated one-kilometer diameter comet fragments into about a dozen major pieces along a 1,700 mile-long path from San Fran to Kansas. A second, and more deadly impact, may occur in the Southern Hemisphere less than a decade later. Impacts from fragments of a larger comet, or ones on a more vertical trajectory, may then occur. Both events catch most of humanity by surprise as our current habitat and political structure is swept away. Ultimately, they may cause the death of the bulk of mankind by relocation trauma, insurrection, thirst and starvation. Humanity may then be painfully returned to one of an Ice Age culture thereby greatly limiting the extent and capability of our civilization.

    Now granted, I did get most of this information from a website that was selling land on the moon...but I don't think that takes away from the scientific value of the report.

    I also think (and this is even more scary) that things might actually get a little worse for us up on the Hill, as our newly elected Democratic Congress tries to pass laws proving that THEY can protect our kids, etc better than the republican pedophilles did. Remember it was Tipper Gore who started the whole labeling music thing.

    Hmmm...could be an interesting year....either way things play out.

    - Michael

    PS. I have a basement with lots of canned food for any of you hot mowhawk clad skater boys that might need some discipline post-apocalypto. PM or email for further details. :whip: is a CCBill affiliate program for the male spanking and punishment site


  3. #3
    :yeah: anyways Mobile pornography will be surely a hit...
    Prime Outsourcing | offshore solutions | manual labor | employee leasing |
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  4. #4
    I for one think 2007 is going to bring a lot more of the large straight companies across to the gay industry.

  5. #5
    I think the High Definition craze will continue to grow, but I think it'll be a big flop as a lot of companies are offering the same teeny tiny viewers. If you're offering high-definition give the surfers bigger viewers like 640 pixels wide, not 320. What's the point?

    The bottom will start to fall out of the blog and site review market. There are too many and not enought quality. Surfers are going to start moving on.


  6. #6 CorbinFisher_BD's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Dzinerbear View Post
    The bottom will start to fall out of the blog and site review market. There are too many and not enought quality. Surfers are going to start moving on.

    Very true. Some of the better ones will survive and continue to do quite well. But there will be a culling of the heard, so to speak.

    From the discussions I've had with many sponsor programs/paysites, I'd also not be surprised to see some real changes to some of the affiliate programs out there and more sites going with the controlled-access approach to affiliate progams like we are, with revenue and legal/liability interests being a big motivating factor in that.

    CorbinFisher's Amateur College Men

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Dzinerbear View Post
    I think the High Definition craze will continue to grow, but I think it'll be a big flop as a lot of companies are offering the same teeny tiny viewers. If you're offering high-definition give the surfers bigger viewers like 640 pixels wide, not 320. What's the point?
    Quite Agree there. I think in 2007 the true leaders in HD will be the sites offering not just HD content, but with large resolutions, maybe more than 640px.

    I honestly think a surfer would pay a premium for TRUE high def videos.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by CorbinFisher_BD View Post
    From the discussions I've had with many sponsor programs/paysites, I'd also not be surprised to see some real changes to some of the affiliate programs out there and more sites going with the controlled-access approach to affiliate progams like we are, with revenue and legal/liability interests being a big motivating factor in that.
    Yes, I thought of that as well. I think a lot of programs will be watching to see how this goes.


  9. #9
    Gay is the new Black
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    I think 2007 will bring a few webmasters closer on larger scale projects.

    I think 2007 will bring a new webmaster forum that does well

    I think 2007 will establish a few new “big boys” who set a new standard

    I think 2007 will be another year for everyone to rip off the new designs that work

    I think 2007 will be just another year with more advanced technology
    Be Who You Are!

  10. #10
    ...since my first hard-on. A_DeAngelo's Avatar
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    I know that we're doing our major intro into the e side of things and will be changing our approach to content production but, with our new deals abroad in the EU, we will continue to open up new markets for hard sales as the brick and mortars continue to condense and buy each other out for territory...

  11. #11
    In2 Piss & Pits ArmpitLover's Avatar
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    2007 will bring us one year closer to a Democrats......Well thats the hope anyway
    Domain inventory sale.

  12. #12
    ...since my first hard-on. A_DeAngelo's Avatar
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    democratic congress is a good thing!

  13. #13
    LOVE 4 SALE OR LEASE SEX MONTHLY! :) longboardjim's Avatar
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    2007 will be a very "tight" year , prepare for a bitter-harvest!


  14. #14
    Im nowhere near experienced enought to make predictions about the industry, but for me personally:

    1. Ill hit the 1000 post mark on GWW unless im banned before that.
    2. Ill streamline - cut my sponsors down to 4 max, promote the hell out of them and increase traffic to them. Probably Intense, Gay Bucks and a couple of CCBill programs.
    3. Ill tell my lazy boss where to stick his boring, underpaid job and go full time in Adult.
    4. Ill start a Paysite (if i can learn enough - so many decisions need to be made and i have no idea to make them).
    5. Ill ask tons more questions - mainly due to point 4. May hopefully start helping other webmasters like you lot help me soon hehe.
    6. Ill propose to my boyfriend if i can find some guts
    7. Ill get a cat or a dog cally Jamie or Christina depending on the sex.

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