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Thread: Wordpress RSS feed posting problem

  1. #1
    Ah, 80 Hour Work Weeks, The American Dream! tombarr's Avatar
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    Wordpress RSS feed posting problem

    We have noticed that some RSS feeds from sponsors do not show up in our wordpress blogs... so we did some research and testing.... and we found out that sponsors using dynamic RSS generators in many cases are not putting any specific time generated variables in the RSS feed URL and thus when you post the feed to your blog, if you have used a feed from this source before, wordpress looks at it and determines that the rss feed is the same as already in the site....and does not show the new feed.

    An example of this is the Top Bucks RSS generator. While very flexible and easy to use, it does not put any specific date or time variables in the URL string of the feed, and if, for example, you generate a feed for their site His First Gay Sex, today, and post it in your blog, and then go back and generate a new feed for the same site tomorrow, wordpress sees the rss url as the same feed and the second one will not show up.

    Here is an example.. (this is a feed for His First Gay Sex, using a 4 picture layout, black text, medium font)

    (this is a feed for His First Gay Sex, using a 2 picture layout, blue text and large font)

    You will notice that even though the feeds had different parameters, the URL's are the same. And the second and subsequent feeds for this sponsor and this website from the sponsor will not show up in wordpress because of the url being the same, no matter when the feed was generated or posted to the blog.

    The way to correct this? Sponsors need to add some time or date variable in their blog RSS feeds so that blog owners using their feeds can go back and get multiple feeds for the same site over a period of time. Otherwise only one feed for this sponsor and this site will show up in your wordpress blog.

    Please keep in mind I am in no way slighting Top Bucks..just using their feed as an example for this issue.

  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    A lot of sponsors actually have errors in their feeds, the problem is, sponsors saw RSS feeds as a way to generate 'quick' cash with very little being done on their part so didnt spend much time researching what was actually required to have hosted rss feeds.

    But just like everything else, if the affiliates want them, they'll be given them, whether they are 100% or not.



  3. #3
    I have a Word Press blog and would like to know more about RSS feeds on Word Press Blogs. What can you tell me? How do they work?

  4. #4

    We run a WordPress blog. Last week we officially moved from its internal feed to Feedburner's. I suggest you set up a feed with Feedburner, and add their
    chicklet code to your pages.

    Then you will have a RSS feed which your blog readers can subscribe to, and you can utilize all their other nifty tracking and publicity features.


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