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Thread: Wow..even Rosie Odonell knows 9/11 was an inside job now

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by padabum View Post are half right... dick chaney is the former head of Halliburton.

    i never said that rumsfeld is head or owns... but according to my information he does hold shares.
    Half right? So I take it that you're one of those people that can't admit when they are wrong? And it's really besides the point now anyways, he hasn't been the SecDef since December.

    I don't dispute that he will be remembered in history as one of the most evil men ever to lead our military. But that alone does not connect him to Halliburton.

  2. #32

    Oh my God! And here I have been sitting here all these years thinking that the World Trade Center was targeted and attacked by maniac fundamentalist muslims who oppose Western countries, led by the USA for their unapologetic embrace of liberal individual rights and economic freedoms, and (let's not forget) capitalism.

    I thought it was because they are fueled by a resentment of what they see as decadence destroying the world - as highlighted by their often articulated and enforced view that gay people like you and me merit death.

    Silly me.


  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by desslock View Post

    Oh my God! And here I have been sitting here all these years thinking that the World Trade Center was targeted and attacked by maniac fundamentalist muslims who oppose Western countries, led by the USA for their unapologetic embrace of liberal individual rights and economic freedoms, and (let's not forget) capitalism.

    I thought it was because they are fueled by a resentment of what they see as decadence destroying the world - as highlighted by their often articulated and enforced view that gay people like you and me merit death.

    Silly me.

    Hehe. Good to see you around Steve.

  4. #34
    :mexican: .. thanks. Just got back from the gym, and I thought I'd peek in. That's me, I can always find something to say...


  5. #35
    When it comes to exploring the sea of love, I prefer buoys. SPACE GLIDER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desslock View Post

    Oh my God! And here I have been sitting here all these years thinking that the World Trade Center was targeted and attacked by maniac fundamentalist muslims who oppose Western countries, led by the USA for their unapologetic embrace of liberal individual rights and economic freedoms, and (let's not forget) capitalism.
    Oh come now!

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by desslock View Post

    Oh my God! And here I have been sitting here all these years thinking that the World Trade Center was targeted and attacked by maniac fundamentalist muslims who oppose Western countries, led by the USA for their unapologetic embrace of liberal individual rights and economic freedoms, and (let's not forget) capitalism.

    I thought it was because they are fueled by a resentment of what they see as decadence destroying the world - as highlighted by their often articulated and enforced view that gay people like you and me merit death.

    Silly me.

    If every group that had a qualm with the US and it's policies of total exploitation (that incidentally makes it possible for the unnatural level of consumption that we enjoy) were to actually form some sort of resistance as the "inhuman muslims" supposedly pulled off on 9/11 than we would have been toast long ago. Just because they have the motive dosent make it so. Nevermind that the official story is operationally impossible.
    But if you want to follow that train of thought you would need to address the question of "Cui bono"? [Who gains]. For the Romans this was always the key question in any legal proceeding.. So, who has gained?
    During the Nuremburg trials one of the top Nazi guys said something to the effect of "As long as you proliferate huge lies people will believe them but the little ones are harder to get away with" Think of all the little lies that this administration has handed us on a daily basis since they have had control. Why is it so hard for people to accept that the whole thing is a big lie when all the evidence is staring them in the face? We dont WANT to believe.

    We were all raised on Disney and good-guy-beats-bad-guy etc so for us it is a leap to believe that people are even capable of death on such a scale unless they are brown people from a far off land..animals. White guys in suits would never culpbable in such acts right?
    Lancet Medical Journal puts the total death toll from iraq in the area of 655,000 and this was about 6 months ago. Life, little kids and thier mothers, uncles, aunts, all the things that normal people cherish mean nothing to these people.

    Google "False Flag Operations" and you will see that throughout history this is standard MO for governments to get public backing for thier causes. Check out what we did in Iran in the 50's..overthrew Muhamed Mossedegh, the democratically elected leader of the country and installed the Shah. The CIA did this by blowing up mosques ..killing many people..and blaming it on mossedegh. The people rose up (armed with US supplied weaponry) and overthrew him then we conveniently put in our own guy. Why was all that death worth it? Because Mossedegh was starting to distribute the British Petroleum controlled oil feild wealth among the people of iran. It was no longer going to be slave labor and exploitation of Iranian natural resources so that a few foriegn elites could bag billions. Sound familier? Looks whats happening in Venezuela right now.

    Lives mean nothing to these folks...once you learn that you can get a clear picture of what is really happening right now and that we've been sold a bill of goods. Perpetual war is the key to installing the police state. Re-read 1984..

  7. #37
    Hi GayGravy -

    Actually the most interesting implication of your notes is that governments lie, but however YOU have the smart prophetic knowledge of the Truth.

    Of course you apparently understand the true exploitative nature of the United States and capitalism, whilst everyone else lives in the brainwashed Wonderful World of Disney.

    Also, since you maintain that governments routinely lie and almost everyone accepts such propaganda (except yourself and the few enlightened) would that not mean that you maintain a rather patronizing attitude towards people and their ability to make their own decisions?


  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by desslock View Post
    Hi GayGravy -

    Actually the most interesting implication of your notes is that governments lie, but however YOU have the smart prophetic knowledge of the Truth.

    Of course you apparently understand the true exploitative nature of the United States and capitalism, whilst everyone else lives in the brainwashed Wonderful World of Disney.

    Also, since you maintain that governments routinely lie and almost everyone accepts such propaganda (except yourself and the few enlightened) would that not mean that you maintain a rather patronizing attitude towards people and their ability to make their own decisions?

    Well, look around you. We let these things happen..even more, they are actually done in our name. No one is claiming to be enlightened. It's hard to sift through the BS and get to the real story on anything these days as the media machine has been perfected to the point that we dont really stand a chance of getting at the truth. I used to think the 911 conspiracy nuts were just that...nuts. But after i saw the clip of Building 7 go down i just had to dig a litle deeper...most people dont have time for this. It has changed my life for sure and i just try to spread the word so we can expose these criminals and avoid the tyranny that we are descending into. How can you not clearly see how far we have come in the past 6 years?
    I have a background mainly economics, financial markets etc..
    I have a very step-by-step analytical approach to problem solving, investigation of trends, and causality. The beliefs i have are firmly rooted in fact and arent just the product of late-night coffee-fueled internet binges. Please, let's debate the facts. Anyone, given the time to actually look into this will come to the same conclusion.
    Believe me Steve, I really wish i was wrong on this. But the old saying goes ..Those who dont know history are doomed to repeat it...but this time they have upped the ante. We are only one more terrorist attack away from martial law folks. They didnt just spend $385 million building FEMA camps around the US for nothing.

    "KBR awarded $385M Homeland Security contract for U.S. detention centers 24 Jan 2006 KBR, the engineering and construction subsidiary of Halliburton Co., said Tuesday it has been awarded a contingency contract from the Department of Homeland Security to support its Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities in the event of an emergency. The maximum total value of the contract is $385 million and consists of a 1-year base period with four 1-year options. The contract, which is effective immediately, provides for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to expand existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations Program facilities... The contract may also provide migrant detention support to other government organizations in the event of an immigration emergency, as well as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency, the company said."
    I have an uncle in the the Army Corps of Engineers in Florida and he tells me this is just the supplement to a program they have been building up to for years now. Each camp is built on railroad lines with sniper towers and barbed wire facing the fences arent to keep people out in case your wondering. Current capacity is estimated at over 20 million.
    Na..everything is just fine.

  9. #39
    @xtrastr8: sont worry i can admit when i am wrong... but i wont say anything anymore to this subject... i am just glad NOT to live in the US... sorry but i dont want to live in a country with a fashist government that tries to exploit the rest of the world.

    its just my opinion... but i havent set foot on american ground for 5 years now (my last visit was the vegas trade show in january after 09-11 and i really had enough after that visit)

    but this is no political forum... i will just continue with business

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by desslock View Post
    Oh my God! And here I have been sitting here all these years thinking that the World Trade Center was targeted and attacked by maniac fundamentalist muslims who oppose Western countries, led by the USA for their unapologetic embrace of liberal individual rights and economic freedoms, and (let's not forget) capitalism.
    Not quite... the WTC was attacked by fundamentalist Wahabi Saudis who objected to the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia. Please don't tell me people really swallow that "they're jealous of our freedoms" Bush-crap.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by strictlyb View Post
    Not quite... the WTC was attacked by fundamentalist Wahabi Saudis who objected to the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia. Please don't tell me people really swallow that "they're jealous of our freedoms" Bush-crap.
    They aren't jealous. I didn't say that, nor would I ever. They posses a competing view of the world. Perhaps you see them as people acting on their feelings, and I see them as people acting on their ideas?

    Two very different approaches. Interesting.

    I'll buttress my own point --- the same idea that fueled the 9/11 attack on the United States also fueled the pillorying and intense ridicule of Denmark after one newspaper published an offensive cartoon about their religion.

    Our egregious crime to those people is that we are guilty of simply being a Western country.


  12. #42
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Craver View Post
    well, well, well.

    I know that I won't be using gaygravy anytime soon, that's for sure.


    I'm going to hijack this threat to talk about the REAL conspiracy

    Was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job?
    ...and if Princess Leia's parents were dead, wouldn't she be queen? And why did Ben Kanobi tell Luke that his father had been a fighter pilot who had been killed by Vader when, in fact, they were the same person? It make you wonder...

    Okay, all kidding aside. I have no comment on the whole conspiracy theory but I find it funny how the biggest piece of advice is to be informed of what's going on around you by using Google. Anyone can write any piece of bullshit and put it up on the internet. Don't believe everything you read. Sure you don't always get the whole story by reading government websites but there's a lot of misinformation out there. Take what you read, and process it. Think about it. Cross reference it. And finally, draw your own conclusions. But don't just read something off a website and declare it as truth.
    Don Mike

  13. #43
    Well I guess GayGravy is saying just open your eyes to the facts.

    And what couldn't be more clear that a picture. Here's a revealing photo of our heroes intently watching messaged from committee chairmen from the United States Congress, in this case the now ethically disgraced Rep. Bob Ney (R, OH).

    What exactly is Ney telling Obi Wan and Luke here? And has C-3PO really "shut down for awhile" like he verbally promised?

    Ney was the Congressman so frustrated with France's lack of support on the War on Terror, that he urged renaming French fries, freedom fries. See the connection? Open your eyes!

    So Richard Craver and Don Mike have indeed hit on something. Evil, corrupt politicians control the Rebellion against the Empire.

    Note Tony Blair - SEE THE COLOR OF HIS WEAPON?

    Puzzling evidence....

  14. #44
    Most people here in Oz think there is something more to it than just what we hear on the news etc. Exactly who and what are involved who can say for sure. But one thing is for sure, governments have always been involved in this sort of thing to justify their ends and they always will be. we have our fair share of it here in Australia as well.

  15. #45
    Maybe a "main stream" news source might lend the credibility to this that will prompt you to dig a bit. I have a place up there so i occasionally check the local papers like the Calgary Herald...came upon this today.

    The curious tale of the 'other' WTC tower
    Kevin Brooker, Calgary Herald
    Published: Monday, March 26, 2007

    First, a news quiz: If, some time after the collapse of World Trade Center towers 1 and 2, a 47-storey office building in a major American city also came crashing to the ground, do you think you'd know about it?

    Of course, you would.

    But if I were to tell you that such an event actually did happen, could you name that building?

    If you are like most North Americans, I'm guessing probably not.

    In fact, the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building, which was also known as WTC 7 and stood but two blocks away from ground zero, occurred late in the day on Sept. 11, 2001.

    It remains one of the central anomalies in a day filled with anomalies, yet it was treated then, and remains today, at least in official annals, as an insignificant footnote.

    Struck by no aircraft, and little debris, WTC 7 nevertheless had small fires mysteriously burning in several of its middle floors. Judging from photographs, one would assume those fires should have been easily contained.

    Yet at 5:20 p.m., in a space of 6.5 seconds, or practically at a free-fall rate, WTC 7 collapsed perfectly into its footprint. It should have been big news, if only because it would have been the first steel-frame building in history to collapse due exclusively to fire. But for some reason, reporters gave it a wide berth.

    Shortly after 9/11, when Associated Press published a timeline of events called A Stunning 48 Hours of News, WTC 7 was not mentioned at all. Neither was it in the government's official 9/11 report. And to this day, authorities have only issued an inconclusive draft report as to why the building fell.

    Not everyone is so incurious, however. A host of researchers have busily gathered everything they could learn about that day, and WTC 7 in particular.

    Though you're unlikely to have seen it, video of the collapse does exist (and can be found on the Internet). The footage exhibits the hallmarks of controlled demolition, including bursts of dust from what appear to be many tiny explosions and the curtain-like plummeting of the entire structure.

    During the brief aftermath before WTC 7 disappeared into the memory hole, CBS anchor Dan Rather showed the video and said, "For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite."

    Many have concluded it was just that. Moreover, they discovered that WTC 7 had unusual tenants, including several floors devoted to each of the FBI, the CIA and mayor Rudy Giuliani's emergency headquarters. It was also home to a legal branch of the Security and Exchange Commission, which allegedly harboured evidence relating to a number of ongoing investigations of market malfeasance.

    A PBS television documentary later showed the WTC's owner, Larry Silverstein, describing how he reacted that day: " 'We've had such terrible loss of life,' " he recalled saying, " 'maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

    ou can read into that what you may, just as you can with the fact that Silverstein's group had only acquired WTC six months earlier, for $3.2 billion, and bought insurance that for the first time specifically indemnified acts of terrorism. As of last report, Silverstein had collected $4.6 billion.

    Finally, from the department of curiouser and curiouser, came another bombshell this year. Researchers unearthed a BBC television report from 9/11 in which the reporter announced the collapse of WTC 7. Strangely, though, the building is still plainly visible over her right shoulder, and would not fall for another 20 minutes.

    Well, if the rest of the world won't get to the bottom of this, maybe Rosie will.

    Kevin Brooker feeds his curiosity in Calgary

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