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Thread: Wow..even Rosie Odonell knows 9/11 was an inside job now

  1. #46
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Well you have to admit it is interesting that WT7 did crumble to the ground though it wasn't hit by anything that day.

    3 buildings imploaded on themselves that day, because of fire

    It is a fact that the U.S. president represents the will of the right wing religious minority and powerful 1% base, as he has proudly admitted, though I don't think posting about all this on a Gay webmaster board will have much impact :toff:

    GayGravy the mainstream media here in Australia has been reporting on the 9/11 consipiracies for years and having specials aired on network television about the subject :groovy:
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  2. #47
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Just another quick note:

    Remember that it's people selling you oil that want you to need oil

    Cigarette companies want you to need cigarrettes

    Drug companies want you to need drugs

    Oil companies have stopped the electric car succeeding in it's tracks

    Cigarette companies made cigarrettes more addictive

    Drug companies push their drugs on you

    I bought the DVD "The Corporation" about a year ago and it really opens your eyes. Corporations have one goal, to make money. They have no collective conscience. When big business gets to deep into the pockets of a government, you run into the problems we're having now.
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  3. #48
    Homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children. chubbs's Avatar
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    As much as I would like to believe this was a huge conspiricy, mainly cause I love that shit, this is not. Yes there is plenty of ammo for the theorists to use when coming up with what seem to be legitimate ideas. But lets be real, this was no conspiricy. A bunch of whack job arab'a got together a while back and planned this. Using a bunch of Saudi cock suckers that had been planted here in the states for years they easily pulled of what many terrorists have been wanting to do. Yes there were a lot of unusual happenings that day such as other buildings collapsing. But you gotta realize the magnitude of what happened. 2 GIANT building came crashing down with no warning. I mean, have you ever seen the twin towers in person? I have and its almost impossible to grasp how big/tall they were without having seen them. I am suprised that there were not more unusual, unexplainable events that occured. I am suprised noone has mentioned the unique lung destroying "dust" that was created when all the different materials (paper, steel, plastic, concrete, etc) were superheated from the friction of the collapse and then compressed with insane force.

    If it is possivle for a powder/dust to be created by the collapse that has NEVER been seen before, why is it so hard to believe other building fell due to circumstances noone can even imagine? Or was that fallout from the nukes that n. koreans has planted in the surrounding buildings?

    Let me just ask you this, was the 1st WTC attack a conspiricy too? No. But I bet if the towers had fallen that day you'd be calling it one.


  4. #49
    the queerest straight girl in the world...
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    Quote Originally Posted by chubbs View Post
    As much as I would like to believe this was a huge conspiricy, mainly cause I love that shit, this is not. Yes there is plenty of ammo for the theorists to use when coming up with what seem to be legitimate ideas. But lets be real, this was no conspiricy. A bunch of whack job arab'a got together a while back and planned this.

    Let me just ask you this, was the 1st WTC attack a conspiricy too? No. But I bet if the towers had fallen that day you'd be calling it one.

    Frankly, looking at the notion that a few "whack jobs" managed to pull this off, vs the notion that this was an inside deal between Mossad and our intelligence units, the inside deal is FAR more plausable.

    Besides which - if you only look at the collapse of the WTC from a games-theory point of view - it is a BRILLIANT political manuver that got all interested parties exactly what they wanted.

    Our intelligence agencies couldnt pull this off by themselves, but Mossad could - right down to enlisting the "whack jobs".

  5. #50
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chubbs View Post
    As much as I would like to believe this was a huge conspiricy, mainly cause I love that shit, this is not.
    I personally don't think it's a big huge conspiracy but I do think there's a lot we don't know that would change our outlook on what happened.

    I also think something is very odd about WT7 crumbling to the ground from a normal fire. It wasn't hit by anything that day
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

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  6. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by chubbs View Post
    As much as I would like to believe this was a huge conspiricy, mainly cause I love that shit, this is not. Yes there is plenty of ammo for the theorists to use when coming up with what seem to be legitimate ideas. But lets be real, this was no conspiricy. A bunch of whack job arab'a got together a while back and planned this. Using a bunch of Saudi cock suckers that had been planted here in the states for years they easily pulled of what many terrorists have been wanting to do. Yes there were a lot of unusual happenings that day such as other buildings collapsing. But you gotta realize the magnitude of what happened. 2 GIANT building came crashing down with no warning. I mean, have you ever seen the twin towers in person? I have and its almost impossible to grasp how big/tall they were without having seen them. I am suprised that there were not more unusual, unexplainable events that occured. I am suprised noone has mentioned the unique lung destroying "dust" that was created when all the different materials (paper, steel, plastic, concrete, etc) were superheated from the friction of the collapse and then compressed with insane force.

    If it is possivle for a powder/dust to be created by the collapse that has NEVER been seen before, why is it so hard to believe other building fell due to circumstances noone can even imagine? Or was that fallout from the nukes that n. koreans has planted in the surrounding buildings?

    Let me just ask you this, was the 1st WTC attack a conspiricy too? No. But I bet if the towers had fallen that day you'd be calling it one.

    Chubbs, your taste in our fine SF restaurants is exemplary but you're wrong on this one man. I said something similar to this about 2 years ago in a conversation during a flight to Manila...I was wrong.
    It's all going to come out.

  7. #52
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GayGravy-JJ View Post
    Chubbs, your taste in our fine SF restaurants is exemplary but you're wrong on this one man. I said something similar to this about 2 years ago in a conversation during a flight to Manila...I was wrong.
    It's all going to come out.
    The question is when will it all come out

    Our grandparents generation are just now finding out things that happened in the last world war as our parents are just finding out about things that happened in Vietnam :cheekymonkey:

    And it's just coming out that the reason the British soldiers were taken by Iran was because of a botched U.S. job to abduct some Iranian security officers on an official visit in Iraq

    This administration = lies, deception, manipulation, greed = a black mark on our history
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  8. #53
    Stupid question but what has the evnts on 9/11 got to do with the porn industry?:fucked:

  9. #54
    When it comes to exploring the sea of love, I prefer buoys. SPACE GLIDER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaycar View Post
    Stupid question but what has the evnts on 9/11 got to do with the porn industry?:fucked:
    The government is planning to blow the American porn webmasters up and blame it on Canada.

  10. #55
    he he , thats cool, if they leave us aussies alone....but then again, we have our PM Mr. Johnny Howard...god knows what hes planning to do with the industry here.:sleepy:

  11. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by jaycar View Post
    Stupid question but what has the evnts on 9/11 got to do with the porn industry?:fucked:
    What does it not have to do with everything?

  12. #57
    sorry mate, that comment doesnt make sense, but Im listening to an explanation :bigears:

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