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Thread: Win A Cock Ring In This Thread

  1. #91
    I don't think the wife would approve of me flashing my wang about the internet 8)

  2. #92
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    I don't think the wife would approve of me flashing my wang about the internet 8)
    cool... then i'll get to see it, and you'll be available for me to ravage.

    Two birds with one stone.

  3. #93
    My new gearessentials 2" Omega cock ring just arrived! It's a beauty... and heavy... real nice! And it fits great, too.

    Pic to come... later

  4. #94
    I'm glad you like the ring. I look forward to the pictures.

  5. #95
    Originally posted by Jasun
    cool... then i'll get to see it, and you'll be available for me to ravage.

    Two birds with one stone.
    I'm confused.

  6. #96
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    I'm confused.
    Well lets be honest babe.. it doesnt take much j/k



  7. #97
    that's true but I didn't see any math in his comment!

  8. #98
    Oh... we're never gonna make it to 500 posts... I just know it!
    I forgot to mention... gearessentials sends you a nifty little tape measure with you purchase. The tape measure confirms my measuring theory...

    measure the circumference of your cock and balls where they connect to the body... cinch the mesuring tape up a bit (not too tight)... divide the measurement by 3 and subtract 1/2 inch.

    With the nify measuring tape, I was able to get an accurate measurement of 7 1/2 inch around 7.5 / 3 = 2.5 - .5 = 2 inches PERFECT FIT!

  9. #99
    Anyone sending some serious traffic to the gearessential affiliate program? How have the sales been? I've only sent a a couple dozen clicks and have made 1 sale... but it was to myself, so I'm pretty sure that doesn't count.

  10. #100
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Originally posted by Xstr8guy
    Oh... we're never gonna make it to 500 posts... I just know it!
    Whether the 500 posts are made this weekend or next month it doesnt matter its all good for the winner as well as for the additional exposure Gear Essentials will get from this thread being on the first 2 forums pages until the contest has been won :thumbsup:

    Thats the main reason the first weeks contest was set at a high post count, longevity in the branding process for Gear Essentials i mean, everyone on GWW now knows where to go if they are looking for a unique product to sell their surfers



  11. #101
    If you made it 100 posts... I would be the winner!

    Btw... I bought the brushed finish Omega and it's beautiful. Is the mirror finish a chrome coating or is the ring highly polished steel?

  12. #102

    The mirror finish is stainless steel as well we arn't doing chrome. Stainless is simply a much better product. The tape measure was sent as a special present for you! We don't normally send them out.

    How about a picture!

  13. #103
    Originally posted by gearessentials

    The mirror finish is stainless steel as well we aren't doing chrome. Stainless is simply a much better product. The tape measure was sent as a special present for you! We don't normally send them out.

    How about a picture!
    Well, thanks for the bonus gift!

    I much prefer the stainless steel to my other chromed ring. I can't begin to describe just how nice it is... the brushed finish almost has a holographic effect to it. My next one will be Master or an Imperial in the mirror finish. How do the different rings compare in weight? I really like the Omega because it is HEAVY!

    Pic is coming as soon as I have a moment to myself when my partner is out of the house, ... he doesn't appreciate me sharing my pics on the www

  14. #104
    Sounds like your partner's a little selfish. Doesn't like to share.

    The Imperial and Masters are heavy rings but not as heavy as the Omega. The Omega weighs about 10 ounces and the Imperial and Master about 7 ounces.

    Have you thought about a product review on your site. They help convert traffic.

    Thanks for the great endorsements! Glad you like the ring.

  15. #105
    I notice that you can get the Gear Essentials Cockrings at The Crypt off Broadway in Seattle. Wonder if my guy want's to take a weekend trip down there.

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