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Thread: Hot Desert Knights Upset!

  1. #16
    I am sorry, where in your original post does it ask if this is true or not?? Or if anyone can could confirm or deny this.
    It does not!! That first post was sent out like it is fact!!

  2. #17
    throw fundamentalists to the lions chadknowslaw's Avatar
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    It was posted as a press release -- it certainly did not appear to be asking for any sort of confirmation.

    I have to go with Lee on this one. Not cool.
    Chad Belville, Esq
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Keeping you out of trouble is easier than getting you out of trouble!

  3. #18 hdkbill's Avatar
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    No Press Release has been issued from Hot Desert Knights, and it certainly reads as if it is a press release from HDK. I can assure everyone on this board that Ken has not spoken with me or with anyone at HDK.

    As for my relationship with my former partner John, that's personal, and frankly no business or concern of anyone here on this board. But to pass on a statement that he was left penniless and homeless, without verifying such a statement, frankly flabbergasts me and is certainly not true.

    Ken stated this came from, hmmm, wonder who that is. The surprise is that Ken would post here or anywhere without verifying the veracity of an email he received from someone he doesn't know.

    Ken, I've always respected you as a jounalist, and helped you out whenever you asked, but no longer. When you don't have the balls, integrity or courtesy to at least contact me before making statements about me, that shows a lack of integrity and major character flaws.

    According to my ex-wife, she has not been contacted by anyone and has not given any quotes to anyone about anything.

    Ken, as for not posting as a jounalist, I suppose you'd better take a look at your signature line. Going to be very difficult for you to support that assertion in court.

    Bill Gardner
    Hot Desert Knights, Inc.

  4. #19
    Gay is the new Black
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXXWriterDude View Post
    I swear when I read this, I had to think about the date for a moment. But no, it's not April 1.

    Did anyone see this coming?????
    I think the pre-leader to the story adds to it being posted as a fact and not a "question"
    Be Who You Are!

  5. #20
    ...since my first hard-on. A_DeAngelo's Avatar
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    this is shameful and disgraceful behavior Ken - how unprofessional of you

    you really should make a public apology to Bill Gardner and to this board for wasting our time

    idol gossip at its worst - !

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by chadknowslaw View Post
    It was posted as a press release -- it certainly did not appear to be asking for any sort of confirmation.

    I have to go with Lee on this one. Not cool.
    I agree!! I am very disappointed in Ken for posting this here without getting conformation with the source AKA: Bill or John first.
    Most unprofessional!

  7. #22
    Smut Peddler XXXWriterDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_DeAngelo View Post
    this is shameful and disgraceful behavior Ken - how unprofessional of you

    you really should make a public apology to Bill Gardner and to this board for wasting our time

    idol gossip at its worst - !

    You're right. And I do apologize. I didn't think first, and it was a mistake. Again, my apologies to all.

    I posted on GWW merely to see if anyone else had heard about it. I thought it was totally insane and I wanted to see if Bill could confirm or deny. I suppose I should have emailed him directly asking if it was true.

    Bill, my apologies. I swear I wasn't trying to soil your reputation. I wrote the person back and told them that we would not be running the story because we hadn't heard anything from you first-hand.
    Ken Knox (aka "Colt Spencer")
    Entertainment Journalist/Porn Writer
    AIM: KKnox0616 / ICQ: 317380607

  8. #23 hdkbill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXXWriterDude View Post
    We haven't posted anything about it yet. At least AVN Online hasn't. But that was sent to me as a press release this morning. I was floored reading it. I'll make sure we don't post anything about it until Bill makes some kind of statement here.

    Just making sure I understand this correctly. You state it "was sent to me as a press release this morning", and the byline was Hot Desert Knights, yet it didn't come from a Hot Desert Knights email address, and you posted it on a public website and signed your name as:

    "Ken Knox (aka "Colt Spencer")
    Entertainment Journalist/Porn Writer
    AIM: KKnox0616 / ICQ: 317380607"

    And, you did this without the courtesy of even attempting to contact me for some type of comment even though you have my phone number and email address?

    Just wanted to make sure I was correct in this.


  9. #24
    ...since my first hard-on. A_DeAngelo's Avatar
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    in my book Ken, you have lost all credibility within this household and we will now refer to you as the "ex - writer dude"

    verify your sources boy! that's lesson one in being a real writer...

  10. #25 hdkbill's Avatar
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    To All:

    Yes, John and I did split up after being together for 15 years. It was mutual and private and not something that needed to be discussed on this board. I do not believe in "airing dirty laundry" publicly. I am only making a public comment at this time because Ken chose to turn something very private and personal into somethng very public.

    Since Ken choose to use the subject line of "Hot Desert Knights Upset!", I believe I need to at least set the record straight regarding Hot Desert Knights.

    Nothing has or will change at Hot Desert Knights. Those of you who are familiar with HDK know who was instrumental in the creation of the company and in the production of the films. Since John's untimely departure from the company and my life, HDK has released 3 titles and has 4 in the can. Regardless of the insinuation in the so called "press release" posted by Ken Knox about the "direction" HDK will take, all distributors, resellers, fans, customers, reviewers and competitors can take heart that no changes will take place at HDK except that HDK will be producing more films than in the past and the films will continure to be some of the hottest bareback films available.

    Hope this clears the air about any "upset" that has happened at HDK. The upset was solely in my personal life, and one that is still very hard to discuss, but has had and will have no impact or effect on HDK. Some people when facing adversity tend to run away, or hide or give up. Others, tend just to bury themselves in their work. Look for great things coming out of HDK.


  11. #26 hdkbill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lisa View Post
    If true then all I can say is "Wow"!
    Hey Sweetie,

    You better not be sending any wedding gifts unless it's you and me tying the knot!!!



  12. #27
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Bill glad to hear everything is still well with you guys

    Im just glad this was able to be nipped in the bud before it got out of hand for everyone involved.



  13. #28
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdkbill View Post
    Hey Sweetie,

    You better not be sending any wedding gifts unless it's you and me tying the knot!!!


    (un)Press Release

    Bill of HDK to wed Lisa of Badpuppy, wedding reception to be held at Chaps Inn. Industry shocked. Film at 11.

    Okay, I'm kidding. KIDDING!!!
    Don Mike

  14. #29
    throw fundamentalists to the lions chadknowslaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonMike View Post

    Okay, I'm kidding. KIDDING!!!

    No, YOU are the flower girl!!!!!

    ha ha ha ha ha

    I crack me up sometimes.........
    Chad Belville, Esq
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Keeping you out of trouble is easier than getting you out of trouble!

  15. #30
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXXWriterDude View Post
    We haven't posted anything about it yet. At least AVN Online hasn't. But that was sent to me as a press release this morning. I was floored reading it. I'll make sure we don't post anything about it until Bill makes some kind of statement here.
    That was a very responsible move, good on ya :thumbsup:

    Instead of posting it on AVNonline you waited for Bill to respond here, avoiding spreading something that could potentially be false.
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

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