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Thread: Bored? Please help!

  1. #1

    Bored? Please help!

    I really need some written content for my first issue which will be out July 1st. Anyone who contributes will get an embedded link plug in the issue! I need the following things:

    Blind date nightmare stories: your worst experience with a gay blind date.

    General advice questions: these can be things you really want to ask or just something you can think of to make up to ask, the kind of things you'd read if you were reading a light-hearted gay advice column.

    You said it: I need a short article expressing your views/feelings about a current political/social issue involving the GLBT community; a small picture of yourself to post with it and your site url is optional.

    Anyone who could contribute any of these things, please send it to me in a private message on here or to my email at:
    don't forget to include the credit information you want posted including (but not required) name and/or handle, your site url, and a small picture.

    Thanks so much in advance to anyone who takes the time, and hopefully the site plugs you get in return will pay off well.

  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    You need to get 123jason in here he is a good writer :thumbsup:



  3. #3
    Hopefully he'll want to contribute then

    Also: I have a Webmasters To Watch section in which i'll feature some adult webmasters breaking new ground. I'd like to feature this site and it's webmasters, which one's of you would I need to interview, and who could provide the information i'd need to write up and article about the site? If anyone else own's a site and is interested please let me know.

  4. #4
    Can anyone help out with any of this? Surely some of you like to write! After the first issue things will go smooth, but I need a lot of help with the premier.

  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    For the webmaster section feel free to use any of the articls Gary or I have written on GWW



  6. #6
    what exactly are you doing? maybe i can help

  7. #7
    Thanks. Lee, do you think a gay ezine is worth doing? Can one semi-creative person pull off a project like this?
    I'm not much of a writer myself and my graphic design abilities are average, but I have a lot of passion for my projects. I know I can't make up "filler" for the different articles and features in the magazine to fill in the spaces until readers start contributing; i'm not a good enough writer.
    What should I do for my first issue if I can't find ways to get people to contribute? I have spaces for everything from dating stories to political columns, but I don't know how to go about getting the contributions to fill them without back issues and a reader base! I obviously can't hire writers though, it all has to be contributed.

  8. #8
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    A better explanation of what you're putting together would help ... Is this a gay porn site done in a magazine style and you want filler articles for various topics that you've setup as a regular monthly feature of the site?? ie: gay humor, politics, horoscopes, sex/dating advice, and the like?

  9. #9
    Pretty much Bec. Only very interactive and tuned into what readers want to see/read. But yeah, it will be in the standard Playboy format (or think unzipped as far as gay mags) Nobody really seems willing to help much though, but thats ok. the types of contributions i'm asking for are pretty spelled out in my posts, I hope at least a few of you have a funny but horrible blind date story or something!
    Last edited by DigitalJay; 06-10-2004 at 05:42 AM.

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