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Thread: Possible Trouble With Cartel Cash Affiliate Program

  1. #1
    Hey Hey Hello Seth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Possible Trouble With Cartel Cash Affiliate Program

    Cartel Cash runs the affiliate program for the sites:

    Swap My Pop
    Bareback Street
    Rump Slap
    Foreskin Play

    I'm getting a bit of a runaround regarding a missing payment and am just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. Has anyone actually been paid?

  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    I havent seen any posts about them on other boards so hopefully this is just a one-off occurence.

    Good luck in getting payment sorted



  3. #3
    As far as I can tell I've never been paid. As of the end of September I reached their minimum payout. I've just e-mailed them, so we'll see what happens.


  4. #4
    I got a reply from Cartel Cash within hours of submitting a contact form. Here's what they had to say:

    "We had some issues with our bookkeeper and thought everyone had received full payment, but it seems that a few people still had not received checks . We did a full audit of what was owed however and sent out all remaining checks 2 days ago. I really do wish this problem had not occurred but as lead programmer and designer this was something I was not aware about until an affiliate contacted me a few days ago... The full amount of what is owed to you is currently in the mail right now and will be arriving to you shortly. I can promise that this will not happen again and hope you will still continue to do business with us. I work very hard to make good tours and promo materials that sell well but without the support of our great webmasters this all means nothing . If there is anything else I can do for you please let me know and I will try to accommodate as soon as possible!"

    Sounds legit to me. I'm satisfied and I should be getting a check this week.


  5. #5
    Hey Hey Hello Seth's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    The reason I posted was because of the runaround I felt I was receiving:

    Multiple ignored Emails, ICQ requests, even though they were showing online. When I finally did get someone to respond on ICQ, he promised to check with their "bookkeeper" & get back to me within a few hours. That never happened. When I contacted him again he basically said the check is in the mail. When I asked why their NATS was still showing a pending status, he ignored my question.

    I'm now happy to report I received the missing payment yesterday.

    This could have been avoided if the sponsor would have simply answered questions via Email and/or responded via ICQ. I've no idea why they list three ICQ addresses for contact and then ignore messages.

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