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Thread: My first whack

  1. #1
    Am I Bitter?...Absolutely nicedreams's Avatar
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    Washington DC Metro

    My first whack

    at making a page to submit to TGPs.

    I just got done making my first page to submit to tgps. Anyone want to check it out for me and give me some feedback.

    tgp page

    Should I put our website addy on the fullsize pics? I'm not great at designing pages, so it's not pretty. Just trying to get the jist of tgps.


    Gay Amateur Paysites / Solo Twink Paysite
    Nice Dreams Cash

  2. #2
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    it looks pretty good, here are a few suggestions:
    1) put your tgp recips in the blue area on top, that way it separates your gallery from their recips
    2) some of your full size pics are huge (the vertical ones), those can be cut down to save bandwidth, plus most tgp's like it when all bit images are the same size on the long side...I generally go with about 650 pixels.
    3) you prolly have too many ads, generally 2 outbound links to sponsors will get accepted, more will get you auto-rejected.
    4) there are too many different sponsors (3), galleries tend to do better when they focus only on one sponsor

    other than those small points, it looks really good!


  3. #3
    They look fine.. ditto on the too many out-bound links.

    Lemme know when you're ready to start posting, and I'll give you a partner account at Metromen.

  4. #4
    Am I Bitter?...Absolutely nicedreams's Avatar
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    Washington DC Metro
    Thanks Luke for your comments. I'm having problems figuring out a good compression ratio to use on my jpgs. How much do most compress their files to?

    Thanks Jasun, will do.


    Gay Amateur Paysites / Solo Twink Paysite
    Nice Dreams Cash

  5. #5
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    On average your thumbs will be around 5kb and the larger pics should be somewhere between 22-40kb. Be careful to not drop below 21kb as there are a lot of the gallery scripts that reject galleries if a large pic falls below that range. There is also a tgp out demanding the large pics be over 45kb ... up to you on if you choose to try and list with them... to me that's burning a LOT of bandwidth and they ain't paying the hosting bill.

  6. #6
    Am I Bitter?...Absolutely nicedreams's Avatar
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    Washington DC Metro
    Ok, I updated to have 2 tgp ad links and 2 sponsor links. I also figured out how to reduce the file sizes. They seem to look very good still compressed?


    Gay Amateur Paysites / Solo Twink Paysite
    Nice Dreams Cash

  7. #7
    Have an idea and make it come to life! Gary-Alan's Avatar
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    Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
    Originally posted by nicedreams
    Ok, I updated to have 2 tgp ad links and 2 sponsor links. I also figured out how to reduce the file sizes. They seem to look very good still compressed?

    Looks good now, nicedreams!

    I think your horizontal pics are still a little too big. I can't speak for Luke but maybe he meant 650 pixels wide - that's around the size I do them. I run at a lower resolution (800x600) and the pics go off my screen.

    Other than that, this looks good. Loads quickly too!

    Let us know when you're ready and Lee will give you a Cum Soda account, too


  8. #8
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    It looks good, only one thing i forgot about. I would put in 3 tgp recip buttons, with the 3rd one pointing to your own TGP or hub site, that way you gain from a small leak in traffic. Plus putting 3 recips is a standard for whatever reason. If you don't have a TGP site or hub already set up, slap up a quick one with hosted galleries and your galleries.

    Yeah, for the pics, I usually run it through photoshop via the "gallery maker" option and set the quality to 6 and set the long side to 650 pixels. That gives you big pics that are about 25-50K in size. Bec has a good point, always make sure your big pics are minimum 21K (I try to target of minimum 25K), that will make sure you don't get auto-rejected.

    Now, all you have to do is run this thru an autosubmitter plus a hand submit, then do another one tomorrow and another one the day after, etc, etc...


  9. #9
    looking good...

    all the advice I would have given you - you have already
    received in this thread from others...

    when you are ready eMail me here:
    evelyn937 at LYCOS dot com

    and tell me your nickname here and that you are
    one of our GWW board members and I will give you
    a partner submit account to:

    Bell's Directory

    here's the regular submit form:

    but I have a gazillion backlogged waiting for approval
    so you will WANT / NEED a partner account to
    get listed anytime in the near forseeable future...

    keep plugging away each day...
    and asking for feedback on your work is an EXCELLENT way to learn...


  10. #10
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    I cant recall if you already have a partner acct a or not but if you havent shoot me a PM and ill gladly set you up with on



  11. #11
    Chris Alan
    The site looks good now.

  12. #12
    Am I Bitter?...Absolutely nicedreams's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Washington DC Metro
    Thanks everyone again for all the help and comments. I'll get in touch with you all about partner accounts as soon as i'm all set.


    Gay Amateur Paysites / Solo Twink Paysite
    Nice Dreams Cash

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