I'm really just half-kidding...

I've been told by many people that once Fratpad launched two years ago we put a big dent in the traffic of other cam sites...

Of course that's not the only thing that's killing them... there's room for many of us since we all offer different things and a different

Anyone who runs a cam site knows just how hard it is to do. Managing 8 out-of-control 18-19 year-old men can be tough... keeping them happy, on camera and away from the clutches of the predators who just want to get their claws into your star models at any cost... your cam site's success hinges on a LOT of things... Models, technology, chance and of course... how your members interact with each other. A single asshole member can ruin the experience for everyone else.

Finding good cam performers (who can also get along with the other guys, be trained to clean up their messes in the kitchen and show up on time) can be hard.

Cam sites are still relatively new things.. yeah.. some have been around for 10 years but it's only recently that we've been allowed to stream high-quality sound and full-motion video. It's going to get tougher for us all to stay on top of the game... we're going to have to adapt.

but no.. I think that the cream will rise to the top.. people will always crave a connection with models... cam sites aren't going anywhere for a long time.