dude, no one said it wasn't.

but surfers don't follow the rules that affiliates do. mary kay didn't get rich working online where it's easy for someone to send out spam for your program, which could end up costing you tens of thousands in legal fees even if you're found innocent.

in any event, several programs tried this before in online porn and discovered that surfers felt it was a great idea till it started to seem like work. in the end, they didn't actually send as many sales as affiliates, but they did send a LOT more chargebacks. these days only a small percentage of chargebacks is enough to lose your ability to process visa - visa is 75% of my current sales.

btw, i have a few buddies who work as affiliates and make tons of sales per day - lots more than $500 a day.

Quote Originally Posted by mymenlistcom View Post
Oooo!!!... excuse me, I thought this site was to talk about different points of view... well... I guess that I have to be sorry now for trying to make a little conversation point?