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Thread: Warning Page Text... What Makes A Good Warning?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Warning Page Text... What Makes A Good Warning?

    In your opinion, when it comes to warning pages, what makes a good warning page text? Do you tell the surfer they have to be 18+ to enter your site or do you just let them know they are entering it at their own risk and that some of the content may be adult in nature, etc?

    In your opinion, what makes a sites warning/disclaimer good and what makes it bad, are there certain things we should include in the warning text and things we should leave out?

    Your thoughts?



  2. #2
    virgin by request ;) HunkyLuke's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    I have never been a fan of any warning page, it just adds an extra opportunity for a surfer to leave, and there has never once been any legal case or precedence about warning pages bringing any protection.
    Luke H.
    Marketing Director,,,

  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Quote Originally Posted by HunkMoneyLuke View Post
    there has never once been any legal case or precedence about warning pages bringing any protection.
    Whilst that is true, i certainly wouldnt want to be the test case for such a prosecution so whilst warning pages are an extra page where a surfer could potentially leave our sites, at the same time, it also gives us an extra opportunity to sell to the surfer.

    So anyone else have input on what makes a good warning page?



  4. #4
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    On my sleepingmen site I have a huge disclaimer on my warning page, no nudity, and the minimum age requirement to enter the site. I think those are three key elements that warning pages need to include.
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

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  5. #5
    I am not gay but I have slept with some guys who are
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Good thread, important topic, interesting to see how it goes.

    In terms of what a warning page should be, do, and when and if it is really needed in the first place - the variety of information I am finding (what is available without actually hiring a lawyer) is thoroughly contradictory. Lots of thoughts which are logical on all sides, which leaves webmasters of all levels of experience to interpret law by themselves. That's a bad situation.

    Legal issues can be sticky, but one would think this would be of more of a cut and dry topic somewhere along the line. We need advice from legal professionals who are knowledgeable in the adult biz. Will they without pay?

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