.... I haven't been online much for about a week because I decided to build a new system, and since it was a kit, I figured everything would play nice and I'd be back up and running in an afternoon.


First thing right off was the video card. Mine would NOT work as I needed one that was compatible with DirectX 11. So I ordered a new one. And waited 3 extra days for them to come back into stock to get one. (Sold out with a nice discount sale, but at least they filled the order... eventually).

Ok, so now I can see the post, and it promptly gets to where it adds up the ram, and locks up.

I had to pull one of the 4 gig sticks to get it past that point. Doesn't matter which stick I use, it just won't go past that point with both of them in the computer. (still haven't tracked down WHY yet)

Now I have my old drive booting into Windows7 (YEAH) ... and the minute I open the internet I get the blue screen of death and the computer shuts off. I start getting these Hyper Transport errors. Searching online results in posts saying it's a bios issue, others say it's a registry issue ...

At this point I'm too pissed off and tired to muck thru the 100 fix it solutions, :2ar15: so I just throw in a new drive, reload windows 7 to it, and all it going smoothly. ( so far - less the 4 gig of ram)

Now I get to load in all my programs, etc etc

... sigh