The negotiations are over what trade deals and restrictions on freedom of movement there will be. The other EU countries have everything to lose by not co-operating as they buy more from the UK than we do from them. There is no question of the UK having to ask to leave. We just invoke Article 50 and that's it.

The EU politicians are arrogant. Which is one reason why so many Brits voted to leave. You might have seen that over the weekend the President of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said he will have to teach Donald Trump “what Europe is and how it works”.

“I think that we will waste two years while Donald J. Trump tours a world that he doesn’t know.”

The leaders of both main political parties in the UK accept we are leaving. Any MPs who stand in the way of it will quite possibly be punished at the ballot box and lose their seats. I think only a small number will.

It's the EU politicians who are "waking up" due to Brexit, Trump and there are forthcoming elections in France, Holland and the Netherlands which are all expected to show an anti-EU swing.