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Thread: City code or ordninances determine....

  1. #1
    I am straight, but my ass is gay jIgG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    City code or ordninances determine....

    whther adult businesses are accepted or not?

    my other 1/2 wants to move to of all places South Carolina.
    This place wants to hire him and they keep upping the salary and it's now to 1.5 times what he makes currently

    it's in the fucking middle of nowhere in south carolina bible thumpers running all over the place, rednecks, it's like going back to where i started from :cry: :cry:

  2. #2
    Where are you living now?

    Probably doesn't get any worse (in terms of living in a NON progressive place) then where I am.

    I've actually thought about moving to S or N Carolina.

    I used to do sales there (the bible belt) and the people I met there were the nicest ones of everyone I talked to.

    I started in Minnesota (LOVE that place...very progressive, but colder than shit) and am now in Michigan...very back asswards place and still fricking cold...can't wait to move <sigh> again...

    If money isn't a problem for the two of you, then don't move there if it'll make you miserable.

    I think there are far worse places....but, much better places too.
    One gives up something to make another thing better (Yes, I wish we could have it all)

  3. #3
    I am straight, but my ass is gay jIgG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    im in florida now, lauderdale is 10 minutes from here by car and it just feels urban.
    for me it does get any worse, since we'll have to go to a college town of barely 30,000 in a religious state where life is all about hanging out at walmart and everything else is 30 miles away.
    i've lived in rural oklahoma and i couldn't wait to get out of there.
    it's hard when you've lived all your life near downtown in a city of 300,000. i like urban not rural

    and then there's the whole adult biz involvment, if i got all my money in paypal maybe, but checks ... the local bankers gossip like housewifes i'd hate to be sitting there all day wondering if someone learned what i did and having the sheriff come busting down the doors.

    and then there's gay tolerance, which would mean adjusting and holding back telling people and pretending which i don't really like...

  4. #4
    i left a town like what you describe... i liked the town, the straight boys all accepted me & the curious ones flocked to me... it was great. but business sucked, it was hard to do anything.

    id say stay in FL and try to find him a job here or get him into adult with u.

  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Originally posted by Dawgy
    id say stay in FL and try to find him a job here or get him into adult with u.
    That would be the ideal solution however, unfortunately its not always a practical one

    I feel for you jigg i really do.



  6. #6
    Where is SC, jigg? If it's near an urban center, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If it's rural, forget about it. Gay men are not suppose to live in rural areas (especially in the south)... it can be hazardous to our health!

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