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Thread: Beware ACPartner is Late with Payouts

  1. #1

    Beware ACPartner is Late with Payouts

    Going on 20 days past due for payout, has given me one excuse after another.

    Should I receive (MY LAST) payment and the date will be posted here.

    Someone said I should be leary of companies only paying once a month and only paying by wire transfer.

    Yeah, You were right, Looks Like!!!


  2. #2
    Sweet! I was just coming up to my first payout with them.

    Thanks for the heads up.


  3. #3
    Marcel from Rainbow Passport wrote the following to me in an e-mail inquiring about this late payment situation. (I'm simply passing it on.)

    He wrote:

    "we are NOT late to pay ANY webmaster
    there's however 1 webmaster that didn't recieved his payments YET
    but as i told him the bank quarantees that the payments are on the receivers
    bank within 14 days after they've processed it. this webmaster knows that
    althrough we submitted the payments on the 15th the bank processed it on the
    this will be UPCOMMING Monday.

    Please also ask If this webmaster EVER didn't recieved his payment, you'll
    found out that the answer will be that he ALWAYS recieved his payment.

    I regret that you do not trust us on this, and i have to say that i regret
    the lack of checking if this webmaster had this problem EVER had in the
    past. We are good for our webmasters, and for there money.

    Kind Regards

  4. #4
    Yes, He did inform me it would be August 1st at the latest when the wire transfer would be in my bank.
    Then He said it would be August 2nd at the latest. I have been in touch with my bank to trace the wire and see if it may have been lost in transaction. They don't have any record of this.

    My bank records indicate all payments were met, True.
    Pay Out Dates range from 16th to the 20th, no later than that.

    I got a little curious as to why this one was so late.
    Contacted Rainbow Passport concerning this. They checked with their bank to see if there was a problem. They said pay outs went out on the 19th (Not the 15th) - 4 days late - This is an excuse.

    Is this a one time thing or not!!!???
    Are they about to fold??? Who Knows??

    Im not taking any chances...:wacko: Nor can I afford a hosting bill with nothing to pay it with.

  5. #5
    Hi southernexposure, here's marcel.

    I want to point things out first, and i hope you will be hounest about this, normally i wouldn't post these kind of messages here but, i want everyone to know the whole story. And since you started this topic....

    what we told you was that the payouts went on the 15th but our bank processed it on the 19th and they guarentees 14 days delivering after processing. this means they quarentees i should be on your bankaccount at least on the 2nd of august. That i said before the 1st was my fault and i corrected it in the next email (since the 1st is on a SUNDAY, and normally banks are closed in the weekends, at least here in the netherlands)

    Clearly this posting of you resulted that one webmaster did change his sites to another AEN and emailed me with the explanation that 1 webmaster has told him payouts where late.

    Did or didn''t i contact you about this?
    what does this mean? indeed that there's only ONE webmaster that didn't recieved his money (YET)

    You told me about your financial problems, and I told you that I would look if it was possible to do the next payout sooner to you, just to help you out. (it's a pitty you forgot to mention that in this forum, since I never have heard of a sponsor that offered dto do that)

    About the one excuse after another. this is not true I did told you right away what was going on. And we will contact the bank tomorrow since then the date they quaranteed the wire is over.

    BTW althrough i don't feel you're given everyone a clear view of what is going on, this will not effect my offer to see if I could do YOUR payment next month sooner. Cause i can understand that financial problems could drive you to extreme acts.

  6. #6
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    maybe i missed it, but is payment from acpartner done by wire?

  7. #7
    Yes, basschick, they only do wire payments. They're located in the Netherlands.

    And if I'm reading things correctly, the problem seems to be more of banking issue than anything else. When a bank say 14 days, I'm assuming they generally mean 14 business days, which can end up being more like three weeks for regular people.

    I've been in touch with Marcel, and I can attest that he's been nothing but helpful, co-operative and upfront with me. I really think this is typical bank industry BS and not a problem with the sponsor.


  8. #8
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    interesting... bank of america used to receive our wire transfers from amsterdam. they always showed as pending within 24 hours and cleared within five days. also at the time, they told us a wire never takes more than five days to clear. perhaps that has changed, or it only referred to b of a.

    in any event, i've never seen a wire take close to that long from any country we've received them from. perhaps their bank is not sending them right away?

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Dzinerbear
    Yes, basschick, they only do wire payments. They're located in the Netherlands.

    And if I'm reading things correctly, the problem seems to be more of banking issue than anything else. When a bank say 14 days, I'm assuming they generally mean 14 business days,
    the bank says 10 workdays/14 calender days
    so it should be there tomorrow
    normally payments are recieved within a couple of days, but the maximum they quarentee is those 14 calenderdays.

    It is the first time that it took so long, and the strange thing is that this webmaster has received multiple payments, so it is not that the bank information accountnumber, iban , swift code or something like that is wrong.
    Last edited by acpartner; 08-01-2004 at 04:26 PM.

  10. #10
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    maybe you could ask your bank when the wire was actually sent, not just when they processed it.

    anyway, if it arrives when the promised, hopefully everything will be worked out.

  11. #11
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Ive actually known wires from Europe to take in excess of 3 weeks to show up in a US bank account before.



  12. #12
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers dirtygeek's Avatar
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    West Hollywood, Ca
    I deal with bank wires from Europe weekly. Sometimes it takes 5 days, sometimes it takes 3-4 weeks. Depending on the country and the time of the wire. Normally, the bank takes out about $10.00 to $30.00 for fees. Does the program pay this, or do they ask you to lose that portion of your payouts?
    You'll get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 then you'll get with just a kind word.

    Stunner Media Presents 8 great programs:
    IndieBucks | StandAhead | BoyCrushCash | Phoenixxx | <a href="">Hunk Money</a> | <a href="">British Bucks</a> | <a href="">Emo Profits</a> | <a href="">Latino Bucks</a>

  13. #13
    our bank ask $20 per wire
    all payments above $500 we pay for the wires

    if a webmaster chooses for lower payouts, we split it in half.
    so we pay $10 and the webmaster pays $10
    But it is up to the webmasters to set the minimum payout amount.

    and we put all the funds together, so for our 18 paysites, the , and our 2 'avs' rainbowpassport and globalgayclub.
    Last edited by acpartner; 08-01-2004 at 07:59 PM.

  14. #14
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers dirtygeek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    West Hollywood, Ca
    So you want us to promote your sites, plus lose $10.00. Now that is something that I will jump right on.
    You'll get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 then you'll get with just a kind word.

    Stunner Media Presents 8 great programs:
    IndieBucks | StandAhead | BoyCrushCash | Phoenixxx | <a href="">Hunk Money</a> | <a href="">British Bucks</a> | <a href="">Emo Profits</a> | <a href="">Latino Bucks</a>

  15. #15
    Originally posted by andymike
    So you want us to promote your sites, plus lose $10.00. Now that is something that I will jump right on.
    Most webmasters make over $500 a month so in those case we pay all the wire fees. webmasters that make $300 a month also can set the minimum payout on $500 this means that they also don't have to pay the wire fees.

    BTW did you have a look at our high payouts?
    cause we also could have payed out $2 a VIP (like GMP) but instead we pay $10.48 this means that GMP holds $8.48 PER recurring sale. and they don't charge $10 for wire, no they pay almost $10 less per recurring. So what is better.

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