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Thread: finally saw farenheit 911...

  1. #1

    finally saw farenheit 911...

    anyone else?
    what did you think?
    I thought it was an entertaining film, and definitely thought-provoking. It was defintely biased and filled with a lot of half-truths. i made the mistake of watching it with my republican mother-in-law... just to spark a good debate. she tortured me until i researched a lot of what the film insinuated. I definitely learned a lot by following up on stuff in the movie, such as the bin laden-bush family connections and the oil pipeline in afghanistan. interesting stuff.

  2. #2
    RainGurl, have you checked out He has pages of info where he backs up the facts presented in the movie. Sure, the movie does contain opinions and editorializations (is there anything wrong with that?), but they are never presented as facts.

  3. #3
    yes, i've read through a lot of it. i'm not saying there was anything wrong with the film, i enjoyed it. i think moore put together some really good arguments. but he is a little misleading with some of the clips/commentary.

  4. #4
    I didn't think that you had a problem with the movie
    I just wanted to give you some more ammo for your 'truth' gun!

  5. #5
    Evil Chris
    Hi Rainey...

    MM get's bashed esp by the Republican right because they are afraid of him. He simply re-packages the news from all sources and puts his own sarcastic emphasis on it. At least that is how I see it.

    A society that doesn't even know that it's living in fear will follow their pied piper anywhere. That's what is frightening about the Bush administration.

    Just my two cents.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Evil Chris
    A society that doesn't even know that it's living in fear will follow their pied piper anywhere. That's what is frightening about the Bush administration.

  7. #7
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Very well said Chris.

    Gary hasnt seen the movie yet because i cant find the zip file with it in LOL



  8. #8
    Have an idea and make it come to life! Gary-Alan's Avatar
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    I think that will be a rental for this weekend

    Rainey... did the movie effect your decision, or the way you look at things, in any way?

    I'm just curious.

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  9. #9
    agreed, Chris. However, there have been quite a few democrats who have cited problems with the film as well. I'm not trying to bash Moore, just think its interesting to see the spin that pretty much everything gets in this election. In the past, I have criticized people like Bill O'Reilly for bias and false statements. Regardless of my party affiliation, I don't want to be one of those people who blindly follows the pied piper. I won't take what any political-related figure says at face value.

    Gary- the film didn't effect my decision at all - i beleive 100% that bush needs to go. The movie did encourage me to dig deeper into Bush's past and learn more about how he came to be in office.

    I won't go into specifics since some of you haven't seen it. Like I said, it was a very good movie. let me know when you see it gary!

  10. #10
    If you liked that.. rent "Outfoxed" It's all about how Fox News is really just the Republican administration's channel, repeating verbatim Republican press releases.

    Scary Movie

  11. #11
    yeah i bought that dvd a while ago. great movie. now i watch fox for the fun of it, to pick up on things they say. kind of a game in my house.

  12. #12
    the three most common phrases..

    "Some people say...."

    "Shut up shut up shut up shut up"

    "Cut his mike.. get him out of here"

    (I really wish Geraldo Rivera would fall into a really deep pit somewhere)

  13. #13
    I am more woman than you will ever have, and more man than you will ever be Fister's Avatar
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    I heard a little over a week ago from a mainstream news commentator (who? I forget) that no one had refuted any of the main assertions of "Fahrentheit 911". Then, I watched the movie on DVD last Friday. I'm not surprised by the commentators remark...there were a lot of facts in the movie that could easily be refuted if they were untrue. The facts did not seem surprising to me ... I guess the media has covered some of these.

    Michael Moore's style, of course, is brash, opinionated, and anything but conciliatory. Lots of zingers and zaps. And he only presents facts supporting his point of view.

    One of the extra features in the DVD had this scene. A reporter asked Laura Bush if she had seen the movie. Laura roared in laughter and asked, "What do you think?"
    Regards, Dean
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