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Thread: Who is straight on this message board?

  1. #61
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasun
    People who argue against the rights of others based on the bible don't deserve tolerance.
    See i actually disagree with you there babe, to me, EVERYONE deserves tolerance until they have proven themselves to be not worthy of it.

    Everyone has a right to be treated equally, gay, straight, christian, muslim, male or female.

    Just because someone may have a different viewpoint than you or i, that doesnt mean they deserve to be treated in a different manner, it just means that we have to approach certain subjects differently with them in order for them to see our side of the debate.



  2. #62
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    A good point however, would you not also agree that quite often, those right-wing groups who are publicly rallying for support of 'gay causes' are also doing some damage in the long term too?

    Specifically, the gay marriage issue, we have seen how one approach at tackling this issue has taken its course, do you think that perhaps, if the right-wing, pro-gay groups had handled themselves better we may have had an 'actual' victory on the issue?
    I know your focus is on the conflict but change in America has never happened without conflict. The rights of workers to unionize. The right of women to vote. The rights of blacks to be free. Prohibition. The list goes on. They were all battles to force mainstream society to change for the better and there was drama, rioting and death. Gays had stonewall in the 70's. This is no different. People don't like change. Whites didn't like blacks being free.. it scared them, just like it scares heterosexuals to have Gays be equal.

    There are nut jobs in every arena and Gay civil rights has it's share as well.

    You and I agree about the marriage thing. We've always existed knowing we didn't need societies approval to be happy. We still don't. But for those who are suffering because their rights are violated I feel a duty to stand by them in support. For the people who love being in the military and were kicked out and humiliated because of their sexuality. For the Mothers and Fathers who's children are taken away because they're Gay. For the children who are abandoned by their parents, and whole family, because they are Gay. For the employee who's career is ended because he's Gay. I support them and their right to be equal. Nothing more, just to be equal in the eyes of the law.
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  3. #63
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    See i actually disagree with you there babe, to me, EVERYONE deserves tolerance until they have proven themselves to be not worthy of it.

    Everyone has a right to be treated equally, gay, straight, christian, muslim, male or female.

    Just because someone may have a different viewpoint than you or i, that doesnt mean they deserve to be treated in a different manner, it just means that we have to approach certain subjects differently with them in order for them to see our side of the debate.


    Here here I agree completely.

    To quote my personal idol Mary Katherine Gallagher "You are your own rainbow" :thumbsup:
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  4. #64
    You don't have to be straight to be in the Army; you just have to be able to shoot straight. ponyboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirt
    Nah Civil Rights isn't a codeword for Gay marriage. Gay marriage is just an example. Take a moment to think about it from a Gay persons perspective... I can't fight for my country because I'm Gay, I can legally be refused treatment from nursing staff because I'm Gay, The way I have sex is illegal in many states, I can't adopt children, I can't marry, I have no tax benefits for being in a committed relationship, no medical benefits, the list goes on. If I don’t do with my dick what you do, I’m punished. You see a trend here? Bible thumpers are not suffering because of the way things are, we are.

    I've never heard of someone being fired because of their religion, or refused medical treatement. I've never heard the government say "don't ask don't tell" about religion. People of all religions are allowed to adopt, recieve medical benefits, marry, have sex legally, etc. etc. etc.

    Civil rights means that Gays, blacks, handicaps, heterosexuals, we ALL have EQUAL rights for the pursuit of happiness in this country NOT just heterosexual white men.

    This is part of the core problem that a lot of straight people just don't get. We want to be treated like anyone else. Not special, not different, the same.
    you are so right
    as soon as we speak about any rights that we have or want, we are told we have the same rights as straight people, ya right! it's just that gay marriage has come to the for front of the gay rights battle.

  5. #65
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    NO people should have more or less rights than any other people. that's what all our founding fathers wrote in all sorts of stuff when this country was starting out. maybe they MEANT straight, white, land-owning men, but that sure wasn't what they wrote. i take them at their word.

    " nation under god, with liberty and justice for ALL."

    how many people in the u.s. had to say these words EVERY day at school with their hands over their hearts, facing the flag? it doesn't say "liberty unless you're black" or "justice unless you're gay or a woman".

    btw, Squirt - i HAVE known people who were fired because of their religion. try being jewish sometime. we may look like the everybody else (because we ARE part of everybody), but a lot of people still consider us subhuman and unworthy.

  6. #66
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basschick
    btw, Squirt - i HAVE known people who were fired because of their religion. try being jewish sometime. we may look like the everybody else (because we ARE part of everybody), but a lot of people still consider us subhuman and unworthy.
    You're right.. a lot of parallels there. You can hide the fact your Jewish, and if you don't hide it you pay the consequences. I wonder if, when some people find out you're Jewish, that they feel you’re throwing your religion in their face? Some people think that if you're out then you're throwing it in peoples faces. I bet Christmas was uncomfortable for you. Going to grade school and doing Christmas ornaments in class, singing Christmas carols, and having Christianity being thrown in your face and feeling out of place for having your own beliefs. What was it like?

    I was fired for being Gay when I was 17 and working 3 jobs to support myself through high school. I had just become manager and was able to quit my other two jobs. My sexuality came up, I told the truth, I was harassed and fired a week later.

    The third time I was fired for being Gay I was 21 and in a committed relationship for 2 years at that point ( it lasted five years ) My sons mother was pregnant and about to give birth any day. The word got out at work that I was going to be a Gay Dad and a women in the office I had never met told everyone I was sinning and doing the wrong thing by "this child". The owner of the company found out ( Paul Redem ) and I was fired that day. My son was born 4 days later. I was jobless.

    Then the other infamous lawsuit based on my sexuality most of you already know about.

    My point here is that just for being true to myself, by being honest about who I am with others, when asked, I was persecuted. I lost my livelihood for one reason.. I was Gay. I'm sorry to be so long winded about this but hopefully someone will understand that Gay rights are important from a practical standpoint and are not a right wing political motive to throw homosexuality in peoples faces.
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  7. #67
    The Prince of Dorkness Jasun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    See i actually disagree with you there babe, to me, EVERYONE deserves tolerance until they have proven themselves to be not worthy of it.
    Well, I relaly was just trying to be funny there.. apparently, I need to add more :wacko: :argue: :mental: at the end of it.

    However, I do think that once one stops argueing with their brain and stars hiding behind the bible, they've proven themselves unworthy of any kid gloves.

    Maybe I've had too many arguements with Christians in my life who are incapable of thinking for themselves and just say things like "What would Jesus do?" as if they knew him personally.
    Jasun Mark. Crass of the Titans.

  8. #68
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    if the bible is anything to judge by, jesus would love everyone. that was his primary thing, wasn't it?

  9. #69
    haha... guys... very nice post

  10. #70
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basschick
    if the bible is anything to judge by, jesus would love everyone. that was his primary thing, wasn't it?
    You're right. I think the "love everyone" part was just to get followers and was promptly thrown out once Christians gained power. Remember Christmas, Halloween and Easter are holidays created to convert pagans to Christianity :high:

    The older I get, the less I wish I knew.
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  11. #71
    Exclusive Custom Gay Content Lykos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madame0120
    WEll hello there handsome
    I do hope you aren't so straight,
    you are kink-free.

    Be a terrible waste of manflesh.

    Well thanx a lot for that comment,but yeah i am full straight :biker:

  12. #72
    Exclusive Custom Gay Content Lykos's Avatar
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    And one more thing,i never look any person by what sexuality he/she is.
    Only by that what kind of person they are to me.
    I have many gay friends,and i always fell ok in gay company,but it just don't atract me to become gay,that's all :biker:

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