Our SE rankings didn't change hardly any on our sites. We are seeing about an extra 100 hits a day from Google since the update which is completly negligible.

This is the thing though... it is my belief you must look at Search Engines as Gravy. We used to play the google game and had number one rankings in Google for "fuck", "men", etc. But, we made a decision a couple of years ago to stop spending time and energy trying to keep up with SE changes. There were never any guarantees that a SE wouldn't reindex and cut us out or that the engine itself wouldn't just bite the dust. The decision we made was to be our own traffic source.

The best advice I'll ever be able to give on this board, is that you must become your own destination. You must make your own traffic!

After a lot of very hard work we are at a point now where we don't need Search Engine traffic. Like I said, it has become gravy and we are happy to have as much gravy as we can get, but if Google dropped us completly it wouldn't have a noticeable impact on our bottom line. They key to success is 1) type-ins and 2) word-of-mouth. Make your site viral. Offer something that no one else does. Create a buzz so that people tell other people about your site. There is no better reference that a personal testamonial / recommendation.

Each month we have just shy of 100 checks that come into us from all kinds of different vendors. We don't keep our eggs in one basket. You have to diversify. No single vendor, no single merchant account, no single third party biller. You should be getting checks from ccbill, epoch, verotel, and your merchant bank. You should be getting checks from AEBN, ACMP, and Maleflix. You should have deposits each month from Mancheck, Mansites, and ****. Even though we have our own paysites that do very well, we still send tons of traffic and have numerous sign-ups each day to Randy Blue, Corbin Fisher, Sean Cody, Badpuppy and a dozen others.

The first step though was becoming our own traffic source. It takes a lot of effort, but it can be done. When you become dependent upon yourself and not Google you will see a paradigm shift that will empower you and your business.

Good Luck!