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Thread: Your views on bareback?

  1. #1

    Your views on bareback?

    Ok here I go... I know there was another post, but that post seems to have gone in too many directions....

    I mentioned something to Lee last week regarding a new "gay" bareback site that was just released. It bugged me... and not just a little... A lot from a Moral Standpoint!

    As you all know I am "str8" and I think from a moral perspective...Bareback sex in movies is irresponsible to say the least!

    Ok before you all bash me... Hear me out!

    But here is the dilemma... On a business level... this is what users want to see! Users for the most part do not want to see sex with condoms.. so WE as an industry cater to this. So from this perspective I am all for it, coming form the angle of a sponsor!

    But in the end… when the studios get more and more strict on condom use... It will move to other parts of the world. This way "we" here in the states can say "not our problem". But you know what... that’s even more irresponsible than anything.. giving another culture and country our problems!

    Just my 2 cents

    Whats your view?


  2. #2
    Corey Bryant
    Honestly - to each his own. Different people have different morals - some would not even think of even having sex other than the missionary position. Afterall, we cater to the people who want to see porn, we cater to the people that have some type of a fetish.

    I do understand that this one "type" - bareback - can lead to sickness / death.

    And plus - it will never be "our problem". No one ever really wants to take responsibility on anything anymore.

  3. #3
    Thanx Corey for your views!!!

    It is so Sad That over 25 people have seen this post, yet only you posted! I have seen more replies about what someone had for Lunch yesterday!!

    Strange that people will post about crap..and not post about stuff that matters!


  4. #4
    Darren Austin
    Chipmunk I applaud you for saying what you felt and not to mention you made alot of sense with your post, both personally and professionaly.

    Again I applaud you !

  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren Austin
    Chipmunk I applaud you for saying what you felt and not to mention you made alot of sense with your post, both personally and professionaly.

    Again I applaud you !
    So whats your opinion on the topic Darren? For or against Bareback in gay porn?



  6. #6
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    My feelings on 'bareback' in general are that as webmasters, we dont really have to be concerned with what people do in their own homes, in private but, at the same time, we have a social obligation to at least educate surfers hitting our sites (if they promote bareback) on the potential risks of such sexual activities.

    As a company, we wont promote barebacking but that doesnt mean that other companies shouldnt promote barebacking if they want to.

    I think it ultimately does come down to whether or not a webmaster feels strongly enough on the issue as to whether or not they promote it and, as i mentioned above, whilst its certainly not something we should promote without also informing surfers of the risks involved, if you want to promote it, thats fine with me.

    Now, as for the straight companies promoting bareback sites, i think they are purely doing so in order to make money from the gay market, they have heard bareback sells but they also seem to forget that many of the big gay producers, on both their movies and sites also attach a disclaimer about the health issues attached to bareback sex.

    I honesty do think when many of the straight companies these days launch a new gay site it is because their straight paysites are not producing like they used to do and they want to target the gay demographic for purely monetary reasons, just as they promote the straight niche sites for monetary reasons without thinking about the surfer, throw a site up, make money, fuck the surfer.



  7. #7
    there seems to be a lot of discussion about barebacking lately. i've seen threads on at least 3 other boards.

    i wrote an article for xbiz world about this topic a few months ago, displaying points of view from both sides that feel strongly about thier stance on the issue. I can see points on both sides.

    One side said it is morally irresponsible to portray bareback sex in the age we live in, that it encourages unsafe sex.

    The other side says that yes, we live in an age where having unprotected sex is life-threatening and bareback videos provide fantasy fufillment, i.e. i can't do that but I can in my fantasy world.

    One person I interview compared the issue to violence in movies/tv. Some people think that violent tv/movies/games encourage violence in reality. Some think it is pure entertainment. He felt the same argument applied to bareback videos.

    the difference in the argument, i think, is that most of us live in communities where HIV/AIDS affects many more of our friends and family members than random violence does, so the issue is closer to our hearts. But it does come down to whether or not you think people emulate what they see in their entertainment, and to what extent.

  8. #8

    *EDIT* Rain made a post while I was working on mine that pretty much touches most of what I wrote. Feel free to skip over this particular long-winded ranting *EDIT*


    Ok, so I've been reading all of these bareback threads that have been going on recently. My honest opinion? This has a LOT more to do about people's own inhibitions, desires, and jealousy, than it has to do about a greater moral issue.

    How is showing barebacking immoral? We show murder on broadcast TV every night, along with all forms of mutilation, abuse, genocide, racism, etc. and that's just in the comedies! Most of us on here probably don't see a problem with that. Why? Hrm, maybe because it's TV and it's what we as a whole find to be entertaining?

    So why is barebacking any different? I don't think showing bareback movies makes people go out and have unsafe sex any more than video games make teenagers go out and kill people. Sure you can use either one as an excuse, but truth be told, people in this day and age are educated and are responsible for their own actions and well being.

    Is it a moral question as it relates to the performers in the movies? Is that the concern, that we as an industry are subjecting them to health risks for the sake of higher sales?

    I guess it COULD be. But, there certainly are many ways that such scenes can be filmed safely and ethically. The gay industry, as a whole, simply chooses not to rise to the level of professionalism and responsibility that we see in the larger straight market for some reason. Sure the straight market has had some incidents, but compared to the amount of filming that has been done, it's probably far less than the number of stunt doubles that have been killed making mainstream feature films...

    Blame sleezy producers and a lack of professionalism for any problems that occur, not the type of content itself.

    All of this, mind you, is coming from me, probably one of the most conservative gay guys on this forum, haha. I personally think barebacking videos are hot, but I've certainly never been part of the barebacking scene, and certainly haven't done it with anyone until I met my life partner, and that was after many rounds of testing. We've been together monogamously for 6.5 years now, so we get to enjoy all sorts of things without worrying about risk being involved.

    I couldn't have IMAGINED barebacking in a casual environment, and porn certainly wouldn't have effected that. The type of people that do go out and have casual bareback sex obviously don't put a high value on themselves, and porn isn't going to effect that either.....

  9. #9
    Just because. LavenderLounge's Avatar
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    This is a quote from JC Adams from his column on April 11, 2005:

    "According to JRL Publications, which surveys more than 900 video stores across the nation, the top-renting video in the country for three weeks in a row has been RAW LUCK (Raw Prods./1 Distribution). RAW LUCK is out-renting DRILL (Titan Media) and WET PALMS (Jet Set), GREEK HOLIDAY 2 (Bel Ami) and LATIN THUGZ 2 (Latino Fan Club), MANHATTAN HEAT (Lucas Entertainment), ROAD TO TEMPTATION (Hot House), BORN TO BE BAD (Falcon) and HANGAR (Kristen Bjorn). This little bareback title with no bankable stars from a small, newly formed distributor has spanked the major distributors for three solid weeks."

    My prediction is that the big gay studios each start a separate bareback line, but do it very quietly and discreetly so they can still make contributions to AIDS charities in the name of their flagship line.

    Either that, or they will quietly get into distribution deals with independant producers of bareback movies so they can make a few extra bucks without really getting their hands dirty.

    The gay industry should require mandatory testing like the straight industry. Instead of promoting "all condom" movies, I would rather see them promoting movies with "all HIV Negative models".
    Mark Kliem -megasite - gay porn news - affiliate program

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Chipmunk
    Thanx Corey for your views!!!

    It is so Sad That over 25 people have seen this post, yet only you posted! I have seen more replies about what someone had for Lunch yesterday!!

    Strange that people will post about crap..and not post about stuff that matters!

    It's only because this thread is duplicating another thread. Most people aren't going to repeat what they just said yesterday.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by JustMe
    We've been together monogamously for 6.5 years now, so we get to enjoy all sorts of things without worrying about risk being involved.
    Wow! And I thought I was the only monogamous person here, .

  12. #12
    Words paint the real picture gaystoryman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xstr8guy
    Wow! And I thought I was the only monogamous person here, .

    Nah been with my sweetie for almost 10 years now, and tied the knot in January... so there are other monogomous folks around, thankfully... don't feel like a dinosaur now.

    As to bareback videos.. seems it doesn't really matter which side you choose, those who do it, will do it and will have it promoted as long as it pays... and the arguments while appear valid, really comes down to the cash and the rest is rationalizing the concept so the cash doesn't feel dirty or unclean imho.

    It is a moral issue than each person needs to address on their own. For any to condemn their decision is as wrong as Bush trying to inflict his morality on me simply because he believes gays are immoral. How can we fight his definition and at the same time condemn those who don't meet our own morality? Can't have it both ways.. either morality is an individual thing or not. If not then we have no right to expect acceptance and full civil rights for being gay. If yes, then we have to accept that those who produce bareback videos have their right to do so. We can choose to promote it or not, or as DZinbear put it, to at least include a warning that it IS fantasy, and that AIDS is real... and hope that message doesn't get lost in the hormones that the bareback video excites.

    Just my opinion though.
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  13. #13
    I am straight, but my ass is gay jIgG's Avatar
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    he pretty much sums up what I think -

    I don't buy this don't criticize other's people choices when I affects more than one person sorry

    Count me in the monogamous crowd too - 6 years this june :eek:

  14. #14
    LOVE 4 SALE OR LEASE SEX MONTHLY! :) longboardjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chipmunk
    Ok here I go... I know there was another post, but that post seems to have gone in too many directions....
    "choice" can do that!

    sincerely ~ ..."politically speaking!"... :francais:

  15. #15
    guess we just think alike, justme... =)

    monogamous here too, 3 years last week!

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