my host won't let me send the same email more than three times without blocking my email all day, so here's the email i was trying to send:

It is with sadness that we announce the closing of the Nichsitesgold and Cockscash affiliate programs.

The new 2257 regs hit us hard for three reasons:

1. We shoot some of our content in canada, and the laws regarding content from non U.S. countries is vague. Our lawyer feels that this part of the new law is a grey area that will take time and court battles to sort out. We do not want to be a part of that.

2. We do not feel safe about giving out the models' IDs to everyone who wants to use a banner or a single pic.

2. Some of the content providers we do business with are not able or willing to supply models' IDs without blacked out areas.

We hope you will remove links to the programs as soon as possible. All existing moneys owed to you will be paid out by our processor.

Thank you all, and good luck in your future endeavors!