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Thread: Verotel Processing For Gay Rape Site

  1. #31
    I believe it's DILF.

  2. #32
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dzinerbear
    I believe it's DILF.
    Either way we dont own it



  3. #33
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dzinerbear
    What impression is being left with those people who didn't see the disclaimer on film? That's the problem.
    The disclaimer is also in writing on the front page of the site. I've already posted that in this thread. "8. All models/ actresses and actors whose images appear on this site are over the age of 18, have consented being photographed and/or filmed, have signed model release and provided proof of age."

    Fuck Verotel and this site should fucking pay me for defending them. This is so childish and your argument isn't valid when everywhere you turn on this site, and in it's content, there are both written, verbal and visual disclaimers. Of course a processor is going to process with a site like this that has disclaimers at every end.

    And what about the Paycom and CCBill rape sites? Funny how you all forget about them. :high:
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  4. #34
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    Either way we dont own it



    You don't own DILF? European Lee = Lee. Gary Alan + Lee = Studmoney
    Studmoney owns Dilf. So you incorporatated You still own DILF.

    "Once Rated Hot's little get together wound down, we whisked Gary-Alan, European Lee, Kath and Burtros, EC Steve, Tev and Monique/Afrekete off to dinner. Very exciting to all of us that Gary has just opened Stud Money, home of the very powerful, just released DILF. "

    link to full story

    Why is honesty & integrity around here like pulliing fucking teeth?
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

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  5. #35
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirt
    Oh im sorry a press release dated 2 years ago must still have current information in it LOL

    For the record, we dont own DILF, Stud Money or any of those sites and havent done so for about 18 months



  6. #36
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Speaking of CCBIll processing for those types of sites, i can honestly say ive never seen a fake rape site processed by CCBill however, it has to be said that they shouldnt, IMHO, be processing for sites that pander to the CP crowd uch as this one..

    The chick is over 18, i mean they have all the legal disclaimers and everything in place, right? The fact tey make her look like a 12 year has nothing to do with anything i presume?



  7. #37
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    Speaking of CCBIll processing for those types of sites, i can honestly say ive never seen a fake rape site processed by CCBill...

    As I stated previously... you would see rape sites processed by CCBill if you did the search and looked at the sites like I did:

    "Just do a search under CCBill Rape and see all the sites"

    Regarding DILF... you made the site the way you did.. and yes you incoporating technically means you don't own the sites.. the corporation does. Why even go into semantics about it? I have guests over. I'll pick this up in the morning.
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  8. #38
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    once again, squirt - a disclaimer can easily be a lie. anyone who does basic html can claim people are any age or state of mind they want. it doesn't make it so.

    there was a rather large site at one time with a disclaimer that is standard on nude under-18 sites. it explains the legality of art nudes. the weird thing about this one site, though - the girls weren't under 18. the guys looking for nude minors knew what that disclaimer meant, and they joined thinking the models were underage based on the disclaimer.

  9. #39
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirt
    Regarding DILF... you made the site the way you did.. and yes you incoporating technically means you don't own the sites.. the corporation does. Why even go into semantics about it? I have guests over. I'll pick this up in the morning.
    Squirt, you seem to be missing my point completely, we have NOTHING to do with any of those sites anymore and havent had for going on 18 months, yes we did own them at one time however, we no longer do and again, control NOTHING that happens over there, they are now owned by someone else that has nothing to do with us.

    I hope that clears your error up for you



  10. #40
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basschick
    once again, squirt - a disclaimer can easily be a lie. anyone who does basic html can claim people are any age or state of mind they want. it doesn't make it so.

    there was a rather large site at one time with a disclaimer that is standard on nude under-18 sites. it explains the legality of art nudes. the weird thing about this one site, though - the girls weren't under 18. the guys looking for nude minors knew what that disclaimer meant, and they joined thinking the models were underage based on the disclaimer.
    Well sweetheart like I said.. at the beginning of every clip, spoken by the models in the clip, showing them speak the disclaimer. So yeah.. how do we know that the disclaimer is correct? Maybe because the people being raped and doing the raping claim on video they are paid to do it and tell you not to do it at home? Of course we can always fall back on the written disclaimer :high:
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

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  11. #41
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee
    Squirt, you seem to be missing my point completely, we have NOTHING to do with any of those sites anymore and havent had for going on 18 months, yes we did own them at one time however, we no longer do and again, control NOTHING that happens over there, they are now owned by someone else that has nothing to do with us.

    I hope that clears your error up for you


    OK whatever. Seriously I have people over right now and I'm going to miss out on a PRIME piece of ass if I don't get away from this computer.

    All in fun. I hope you guys see my point. Have a great weekend, I know I will :cheese:
    Naked Straight Men on Squirtit & StraightBro

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  12. #42
    Anyone seen a brick wall around here, the gaping wound on my forehead is starting to scab over.


  13. #43
    its an interesting question that Lee poses re where to draw the line on stated warnings being a way to validate your contents morality. A cp site with a warning that its all fake is easy to see that its not. The link posted had pictures of 4 year old girls. The link lee posted is a curious one. If I was a processor I would want to see the age verification (picture id?) of that model. Is it morally right to make her look 12? is more what Lee means. Should a processor cross the line on morality? whos morality are we talking about? what harm do we do to passers by who see a 12 year old?

    In a brick and mortor city we cannot have adult bookstores with their video packages in plain view (this is canada atleast). They must hide them and watch the age of those coming in the door. Not sure but I imagine they kick out minors that are not accompanied by an adult?

    The net allows anyone to surf onto the "storefront". This is an issue I have personally struggled with as I have children using the net. I am also a pornographer. If I personally believe that what I do is ok, should my children be allowed to wander freely on the net ? (I have teens) It bothers me that there are drunk chick sites and roleplay rape and bdsm sites.

    As a mother I am hoping my kids dont find out and experience anything on the fringe (like BDSM for example) until they have experienced nilla sex. I hope that their first experiences are not kinky. If you talk to a kinkster, alot of them will tell you that they remember being ten and fantasizing of their kink... often these kinks have less to do with sex then they do power or lack of power. Thats why a 10 year old can have the pleasure of these fantasies.

    Rape is the same thing....its not about getting off/orgasming/cuming. Its about the power over another. A rapist will tell you that in picking out their prey they look for someone they know they can overpower. A woman woh is distracted, drunk, alone, long hair, smaller, no foreseeable weapon such as umbrella or peperspray etc. They will also tell you that if they have something to fantasize too (like print mags or online) they will leave real people alone.

    So my only quandry with these fake rape sites is
    1. are they really fake and how do you prove it
    2. are we warping young minds
    3. should we enforce a censorship of the tour? maybe some sort of age verification (we know this doesnt work as kids have cards) before seeing any sort of tour?

    On another note...does anyone watch CSI? I let my kids watch it...there is as much information on there about BDSM as one would find on the net. I am often explaining the deviant behavior they are referring too on that show. Deviant behavior being the CSI term for things like breath play (one show had this as a cause of death) and sadism (they showed whipping slaves).

    Now I had no idea that was going to be the shows context. I have on occasion said "ok thats enough change the channel" but in this case the scenes had already been shown and for me to react by saying "change the channel" would have served to make them much more curious. I reacted calmly and explained that there are people on either end of kink... without telling the full 10 minute explanation here.

    I think the net doesnt come with such disclaimers. My teens and even adults who have no idea what the kink is about are surfing onto a bdsm site or rape site and they are being influenced by what they see without the benefit of someone explaining to them that its not what most people are into and that there are dangers and what consentualism means, and if they tried this at home etc.

    As for cp... we have as a society said that its just wrong. Its wrong to even imply it. What about the sad, sorry ass of someone who is a molester? what if he told you that if you put these pictures online he would leave little girls alone? The moral issue is then... do they actually show little girls with real men? or is it a fantasy site?

    While you all probably just read that paragraph and thought wtf is she on something? Well its called "harm reduction" which is a social work term. I have seen it with the opiate/narcotic users. Methadone is a drug that is prescribed to those addicted to other more harmful drugs. In Canada Methadone is paid for by our free medical coverage. We have clinics they go to and get their Methadone. They can do this the rest of their lives. Its free...think about that... harm reduction now means not only to those addicted but to the community. We are protecting others from their belongings being stolen to subsidize someones drug habit. We are cleaning up the streets in many ways.

    Would a fake cp or rape site do the same sort of harm reduction?

    Ok maybe that was a bit off topic and deep for this thread... :eek:

  14. #44
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Damn good post Sus :thumbsup:

    Just for the record, i wasnt talking about the morality aspect of that last site i posted a link to, i was talking about the legal aspect of it, to my knowledge, it is and always has been, illegal to show a model over the age of 18 appear to be under the age of consent, that law may have changed in the last year or so though, so i could be mistaken.

    Your point about harm reduction brings up some interesting questions too



  15. #45
    Lee, how are sales on DILF? Lol

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