PORTSMOUTH - It was during the middle of March of last year when Soso Whaley first heard about Morgan Spurlock’s "Super Size Me" film.
She was watching "Good Morning America," just like millions of others do every day.

It was then that Whaley was ready to debunk Spurlock’s work - in which he eats only McDonald’s for an entire month only to watch his health deteriorate and his weight increase - as junk science.

"I was amazed that people were actually being bamboozled by director Morgan Spurlock," Whaley said.

Whaley felt Spurlock’s "Super Size Me" should not be allowed to exist without a proper counterpoint to its scientific methodology. Her solution: "Me and Mickey D.," a film she put together almost all by herself.

"Occasionally, people would help me out by holding the camera, but I have to admit that my favorite camera person was my tripod," Whaley said.

Whaley’s main objection with Spurlock’s film lies with the issue of personal responsibility.

"Spurlock could have done the same thing at any restaurant or even in his own home and achieved the same results," Whaley said.

She believes Spurlock’s film is heavily invested in the notion that there is a limit to personal responsibility and corporations should be responsible for our health and well-being.

"As far as I’m concerned, personal responsibility for your own life never ends, and I would never want to hand over control of my life to any corporation," Whaley said.

Whaley ate three meals a day at McDonald’s, just as Spurlock did; however, she only ate until she was full instead of forcing herself to finish everything. Whaley kept her calorie intake to an average of 1,809 calories per day. Spurlock was taking in closer to 5,000 calories on his McDiet.

Similar to Spurlock’s film, Whaley had the help of a doctor who was able to monitor her progress through the entire process. Whaley had never met Dr. Rayner Dickey, of the Holistic Family Health Clinic in Newbury, Mass., before making her documentary film.

"I appreciate his support and help throughout the project," Whaley said.

At the end of her 30-day McDonald’s "McDiet," Whaley had lost 10 pounds and dropped her cholesterol by 40 points. She also lowered her blood pressure.

Although the film only follows her first 30-day McDiet, Whaley also conducted two other 30-day dieting sessions. Her total weight loss over the 90 days was 30 pounds.

"I must admit that I have really enjoyed working on this film because it has allowed me to research a lot of different issues involving our health and it has given me more insight into proper dietary habits as well as the importance of exercise," Whaley said.

Whaley has entered her film in both the Woods Hole Film Festival on Cape Cod and the Northern Lights Festival in Newburyport. She’s still waiting to hear if "Me and Mickey D." will be included as a part of the schedule for either festival.

Whaley is still putting the finishing touches on her documentary and is in the process of securing showings of the film.


So there you have it, eat sensibly and you'll lose weight, dont quite see how thats news myself, doctors and nutritionists have been saying that for years $0.02

