Well… I have no statistics to back this up, but I know that I have gotten quite a few member joins and DVD purchases merely from myspace…

I keep two myspace pages. One for me, Alex, my everyday page that is totally real and I have way too many “friends” on.


And also one for me as Skyler.


I keep up on both of them and check both of them everyday. Both of which are truthful, with merely different pics and identities. I do however keep them separate… I try my best not to have overlapping friends and they aren’t similar in their layouts.

I have heard from many of my “friends” on my page made for Skyler that they have purchased multiple DVDs and have also bought memberships to www.SkylerDeVoss.com so it seems to be working…. The way I see it is this; if you have the time to make one up and keep it up then why not use it…. It is totally free and if it generates revenue then you might as well utilize it. (Why do you think Rupert Murdoch bought the whole thing?)

Love, Sky/Alex