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Thread: How Much Do You Think The 'Average' Webmaster Makes A Year?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    How Much Do You Think The 'Average' Webmaster Makes A Year?

    If you took a sample of 100 webmasters, what do you think their average earning per year would work out to?

    It seems to me like more and more webmasters these days arent making anywhere near enough to actually live on from online porn, or if they are, they are working much, much harder to get their money.

    Id guess that the average webmaster in the industry today make around $3ok a year profit, would you say that figure was to much or to little and why?



  2. #2
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    San Francisco
    'Bout three-fiddy.

  3. #3 CorbinFisher_BD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaybucks_chip View Post
    'Bout three-fiddy.
    goddamn loch ness monsta!

    CorbinFisher's Amateur College Men

  4. #4
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    i don't believe there is such a thing as an "average" webmaster. i don't think there ever was.

    years ago, my first adult consulting client was a gentleman who lost money hands over fist while some of us were making it. our first and second designers - who were actually webmasters with very little design skills - back in 1996 made checks for $1200 or less a month and while our money was going up every with every check, theirs went down. both of them ended up within a year out of the internet because they made so little money.

    oh, let's not forget my own first design client, in late 1996. we set him up with pages and sites almost just like ours, told him about which sponsors we used and how we used them and 6 months later he felt we ripped him off because he couldn't make any money. of course he had fucked everything up - just had no sense and didn't take any of the advice i gave him. we bought everything back and made money with it within days.

    for every shap or brad shaw out there, there are plenty of us middle sized webmasters and i know tons of what i'd considered hobbyists who hope to be full time someday and make between $400 and $1000 each month. and there are people who keep trying even though they can't seem to make $100 a month. i find the ratio pretty similar to when i started. i think it all depends on where you knew them from and how many different sources you met them through...

  5. #5

    I Wanna Be A Webmaster!

    I wanna be a webmaster
    With a porn website that's gay
    I wanna be a webmaster
    Lunch at Jeffrey's every day
    I wanna be a webmaster
    Sport a top hat and a cane
    I wanna be a producer
    And drive those bottom boys insane!

    I wanna be a webmaster
    And sleep until half-past two
    I wanna be a webmaster
    And watch all my sales renew.

    I wanna be a producer
    Party practically every night
    I wanna be a producer
    And see my name "Desslock" in lights!

  6. #6
    Ah, 80 Hour Work Weeks, The American Dream! tombarr's Avatar
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    Who Knows anymore?
    LOL Love this.

    Quote Originally Posted by desslock View Post

    I wanna be a webmaster
    With a porn website that's gay
    I wanna be a webmaster
    Lunch at Jeffrey's every day
    I wanna be a webmaster
    Sport a top hat and a cane
    I wanna be a producer
    And drive those bottom boys insane!

    I wanna be a webmaster
    And sleep until half-past two
    I wanna be a webmaster
    And watch all my sales renew.

    I wanna be a producer
    Party practically every night
    I wanna be a producer
    And see my name "Desslock" in lights!

  7. #7
    When it comes to exploring the sea of love, I prefer buoys. SPACE GLIDER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by basschick View Post
    there are people who keep trying even though they can't seem to make $100 a month.
    Wow. That's tenacity

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
    If you took a sample of 100 webmasters, what do you think their average earning per year would work out to?

    It seems to me like more and more webmasters these days arent making anywhere near enough to actually live on from online porn, or if they are, they are working much, much harder to get their money.

    Id guess that the average webmaster in the industry today make around $3ok a year profit, would you say that figure was to much or to little and why?
    Regards, Lee
    That's an impossible question for me. I don't know anyone else really who works as a webmaster well enough to know their personal income. I can just answer for myself, which is that I did this for seven years before I was able to stop living one step ahead of the electric bill termination notices, and on charity from my parents and friends.

    If anything, I can make a better guage at being a webmaster in the non-adult realm. There are lots of people doing very well working by themselves. And that area is much more competitive and less profitable.

    It was never easy. I think the "easy money", "get rich quick" bromides almost always end in nothing. For me, nothing has ever been so easy a caveman could do it.

    The only way I've tracked your question on successful webmasters is to just observe the others I meet at the shows, another benefit on attending.


  9. #9
    What a tough question. I would guess that the vast majority of adult webmasters as just scraping by or working a real job in addition to working part-time on porn.

    This biz is just so full of followers that wait for someone to come up with something successful and then they make a hollow copy of it. I'm not just talking about all of the new bloggers out there or all of the new TGPs of a few years back. It's fine to start a new blog or TGP but very few webmasters try to put their own spin on them. These people will always struggle to be successful.

    If webmasters just tried to carve their own niche and stick with whatever is actually working, they'd have more chance of finding success. Instead they just abandon everything when something new comes along. "Oh, this is blog thing is going to make me rich... screw this TGP crap." They gave up the frees sites because the sponsor content the were using was over-exposed. And before the free sites were the AVS galleries that they gave up on before they earned enough to get the first check. Flitting around aimlessly is going to get them nowhere and earn them next-to-nothing.

    This rant isn't directed at anyone on GWW... more directed at the GFY-types out there. I honestly think that if a webmaster took only 10% of the advice offered here on GWW, they couldn't possibly fail in whatever they choose to do.

    Having said that, I would guess that the average GWWer earns between $30,000 and $100,000 per year. That's of course based on nothing but a hunch. Lol. And I would make an uneducated guess that the average GFYer/college student earns $10,000 to $20,000 per year. Of course there are a few members of GWW that make BIG bucks... we know who they are.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Xstr8guy View Post

    This rant isn't directed at anyone on GWW... more directed at the GFY-types out there. I honestly think that if a webmaster took only 10% of the advice offered here on GWW, they couldn't possibly fail in whatever they choose to do.
    See I don’t know about that, I think someone could take 90-100% of all the good advice around here and other places and still fail miserably. The real trick is to know when to try your own thing, and test what works for you. Its good to know what the technically correct answer is, but this is not a job you can really go to school for, or pull out some “book” to go by when you are having problems.

    Advice and info exchanging does help especially when most of us have little contact with people we work with, but 1+1 does not always = 2 in the webworld

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Xstr8guy View Post
    This rant isn't directed at anyone on GWW... more directed at the GFY-types out there. I honestly think that if a webmaster took only 10% of the advice offered here on GWW, they couldn't possibly fail in whatever they choose to do.
    I would agree with that. ive asked tons of questions and learnt so much from this board. I was one that kept trying and kept failing, now my average month is upto 1K and growing.

    I think its takes time. There is so much to learn, but without gww i wouldnt be doing 20% of what i now am.

    Newbies NEED to be on the boards imo.

  12. #12
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    i've found that 1 +1 always DOES equal 2 in the webworld. my experience is that when something isn't working for someone, it's because they left something out or added something in that wasn't supposed to be there.

    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower View Post
    See I don’t know about that, I think someone could take 90-100% of all the good advice around here and other places and still fail miserably. The real trick is to know when to try your own thing, and test what works for you. Its good to know what the technically correct answer is, but this is not a job you can really go to school for, or pull out some “book” to go by when you are having problems.

    Advice and info exchanging does help especially when most of us have little contact with people we work with, but 1+1 does not always = 2 in the webworld

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by basschick View Post
    i've found that 1 +1 always DOES equal 2 in the webworld. my experience is that when something isn't working for someone, it's because they left something out or added something in that wasn't supposed to be there.
    I think you are right on the small scale like under 5k a month, but its almost like quantum physics in the reverse where the numbers get “funny” as they get bigger instead of infinitely smaller. :specs:

    Someone that knows what they are doing can provide help to make a certain amount of sales and monthly income, but their is no magic formula to follow. And in fact many people fail impart because they only want to follow instructions or only can follow instructions provited by others

    Don’t get me wrong Info and talking with other webmasters are some of best things you can do, but at the end of the day its up to YOU to make your ideas work.

    All the kings horses and all the kings men could never put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

  14. #14
    It's all about application. Following webmaster instructions like a recipe from a cookbook will only get you so far. If you cook much, you will learn that sometimes practice and intution make your cooked meals better.

    Beyond food preparation, there is presentation of the meal, and countless other aspects to serving food that adds to the total experience from those eating it.

    One memorable piece of advice I read on a mainstream affiliate board years ago, but really stuck with me went something like this: If you put obvious, sincere effort into your website, the people reading it will be more likely to click on your affiliate links. That doesn't mean sound pathetic and beg for business. But show a little skill. Do a little magic trick. Give your steak a sizzle. People instictively reach for money as a reward.


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