It's just my opinion, but I think that those of you who connect falling DVD sales solely to the rise of VOD are missing the bigger picture. It's true that many studios are seeing drops in DVD sales numbers (our own sales are holding steady but haven't increased this year) but VOD isn't the only thing affecting us.

1. There's been a massive oversaturation of the market in recent years. And although the demand is high and steadily increasing, it does mean a smaller share of the pie for established producers as the competitive playing field grows larger.

2. Retail prices are high, compared to Hollywood releases. Now we all know that we have to keep prices high because we don't do the volume the mainstream studios do. Nevertheless, it does affect consumer perception. When you see DaVinci Code at Best Buy for $19, that can't help but gripe some customers about the high cost of porn.

So you see, from the point of view of a producer, delivery method isn't the only thing affecting us. Having said that... it's definitely becoming a much more important concern for us. Personally, I don't subscribe to the "doom and gloom" about DVD's become dinosaurs in 2 or 3 years. Not when you go to Best Buy and see the massive amounts of DVD's they're inventorying and selling. But I do believe that the delivery method for adult oriented entertainment is definitely moving towards "online".

Anyway, I wasn't mocking anyone's beliefs... just adding my $0.02 to the discussion.