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Thread: Forming business friendships

  1. #1
    Gay is the new Black
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    Forming business friendships

    At times I notice friendships (or comfort levels) being built up between people where a light hearted interaction can be injected into a post or reply. Other times I see people take the step at being less formal and their comments blow up into a drawn out fit of drama.

    Is it ok to have a non formal approach within a business forum or is it strictly business as others will miss misinterpret your candor?

  2. #2
    I've always been openly gay. It would never occur to me to behave otherwise.
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    One must take care with their writing. We rely heavily on facial expression, body language and tone of voice in our first world conversations. All of these components are missing in a typed statement. There are individuals whose writing style reeks of such sarcasm and imperiousness that I can barely tolerate reading them. No amount of smiley faces can undo what reads as a nasty insult. However, it is very simple to misinterpret the meaning of any written statement. I am at a distinct disadvantge inasmuch as I write almost exactly as I speak. That's why I almost never write when I am angry or disappointed because the point I am trying to address gets lost in the vitrol.

    So I say, keep communications very civil and meanings straightforward. The jokes (obvious and otherwise) are best saved for icq.

  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    It totally depends on who you are 'talking' to and how well they know you i think.

    Its the same with talking to someone on the phone or on ICQ, there are levels of comfort that are higher in private 1-on-1 conversations that comfort levels on a public forum, even with the same person imho.

    If you reply to someone in what could be conceived as a negative manner, i could see how the person being responded to could find it funny whilst everyone else may think you were just being crass. As long as the person being replied to doesnt mind though, i dont really see why anyone else should either, so long as whatever was posted isnt patently offensive.



  4. #4
    Think big. Shoot hard.
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    For me I have some long lasting friendships with other webmasters. Even them I would (or I should say now am) careful in how I say what I say. I have found many times that I disagree with someone's idea and others think I am "attacking" them, which is not the case.

    Certain people who I feel are just wrong sometimes in what they say I just avoid the issue entirely, otherwise it come off as an attack.

    But many times a friend has posted something on a board and I have icqued them and asked them what drugs are you on today. They just laughed.

  5. #5
    Baghdad Bob
    it is good to have bizness friends on the internet as well as real friends i think

  6. #6
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    i think the problem is when people who either barely know someone or don't get along that well attempt to make "humorous" remarks. someone called me a bitch or a witch in a thread, as if trying to kid with me. it was someone i had no particularly personal or friendly relationship, and i felt it was out of line. what's more, no one who knows and likes me would have made this particular remark. i believe it is THE only time in 8 years on the boards where i felt a remark to me went over the line, and i said something.

    before you can act like you know someone, it's best to get to know them a little first. then you'll know their comfort level and what their sense of humor and limits are about.

    there's a difference between being informal and being overpersonal when you don't know someone. a friend of mine who was a rockin' business person once told me his secret to starting business relationships or talking to employees was to be friendly but not personal. i've found that was great advice when first getting to meet someone in biz.

  7. #7
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Quote Originally Posted by basschick View Post
    someone called me a bitch or a witch in a thread, as if trying to kid with me.
    Ill refrain from posting the obvious comment then hahaha

    there's a difference between being informal and being overpersonal when you don't know someone. a friend of mine who was a rockin' business person once told me his secret to starting business relationships or talking to employees was to be friendly but not personal. i've found that was great advice when first getting to meet someone in biz.
    Agreed and i think thats why so many companies go through staff like crazy, because the employer forgets that what they are.



  8. #8
    Homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children. chubbs's Avatar
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    A lot of times jokes/comments don't always "translate" in text. Probably cause there is no timing/control over the way it's delivered. I try to keep it as professional as possible but there is always room for a good joke here and there as long as you know the people.


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