Quote Originally Posted by wnc View Post
The next logical step would be to let all members in the social network to load personal videos.

Now imagine a future when there is a virtual webcam experience available. I am sure the technology will be expensive at first and would be sold by the likes of VSmedia on a per minute basis.

In the meantime, this new business model that Lee opened the tread with, social networking, I do believe has potental for a lot of income. The old horses like gay.com may be soon left behind.
The ability to do all of that already exists, there are social networking sites that give the users the ability to upload video files a la YouTube style and i dont recall where i saw it, but i know i definately saw something a few weeks back while i was researching webcams that would allow direct end-user interaction (camming, audio, saving cam sessions, etc) also and it operated on a 'recurring' basis.

Also, on the technology aspect of it all, the next generation of laptops are already being shipped with webcams/microphones already built in to them at the factory so the potential for new advances in interactivity are certainly there right now.

The one thing about all of this social networking stuff that really amazes me is how 'adult' no longer seems to be at the forefront of new media/technology, instead we find ourselves cloning the ideas and concepts of mainstream websites more and more.

