Quote Originally Posted by basschick View Post
i don't see healthy debate here - what i see is a couple people ganging up on LiveTwinksCam with a strong conviction that what they think is 100% right and what he says is 100% wrong. period. i haven't read the part where you read something he said, considered it, and tried to see if there was something - even if it was a little tiny something - you could agree with.

if you can't listen and consider what a friendly fellow webmaster has to say if you don't agree with it at the gate, how do you expect republicans who didn't even consider you as a person to listen on a website?

tell ya what - when i open cnn, i expect to see politics so i read on. if i'm watching metalocolypse and they interupt it with politics, i leave. i'm not saying don't put politics in your site as it is YOUR site, but in my experience the only people who you want to affect will be the ones least likely to listen.
I wholeheartedly understand that some people hold the point of view that there is no place on a porn site for politics. But I disagree. Therefore, why should I find something in that opinion to agree with????????

By the way, if I was telling LiveTwinkCam he was wrong (which I don't feel I was), then he was doing exactly the same thing to me by sharing HIS opinion--which, by the way, I respect, but just simply disagree with, and will continue to disagree with as loudly as I want to.

It's all good. I'm honestly just having a healthy debate. How you or anyone else perceives is just that: YOUR perception.